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Beloved Demon Husband

Chapter 6 Fifth

Word Count: 2480    |    Released on: 08/01/2023

lare at her clutching her hands, the strong desire to win and prove her wrong ca

s true” she answered forcing

get together with a man wi

ove without informing me also” she said feeling u

sure her sister is just lying and putting on a drama, there is no way she could get over

which she yet to know at that Moment she wish some miracle could just happen to prov

distance staring right at her, that instant she felt

id out loud to everyone o

er steps towards him keeping the exhilarated smile

she requested loc

then not making a move to stop her but then immediatel

something dreadful. He tried finding him with his venom sense which is in his body but he co

the large room he finally heard her voice from a distance and

ge to lock her into an embrace the Moment she stop in f

excitement as those words but he manage to keep himself in check as he

ple who were a bit curious as to what is happening, seeing her family walk o

you want afterward” she pleaded silently and quickly plaster another

same man again and the fact that Shaina called him her husband yet again, she

t happen? H

rfully her hand still entangled with his and sh

questioned also s

r voice was loud due to her anger that everyone nearby heard what she just said, c

also curious to know what is going on in his party he move towards the little crowd gathered and the

ar grip his mind seeing Samael out in the crowd, knowing he shou

he asked his eyes pierc

m recognize the Dothad family and also Dylan but none seems to have an idea of who the man holding one of the daughte

ried to make best of the situation, his family shouldn’t be seen as an irresp

d to Ian’s questioning eyes and left everyone inc

in rage as she heard the news, the feeling of hatred once again

er abide to get upper hands over her sister she seems to have create a much big problem for herself, she look at him for h

ng her parents and the crowd who se

friend to call her ‘wife’ the crowd gathered around them isn’t helping as

d to dismiss although they were a bit reluctant they all fi

Dothad apologize feeling em

with my friend” he told them and pull Samael along with hi

e voice and a slim average height woman appear among the crowd of people walki

ena called and rush

d greeting before the rest join them, she face Mr. Do

u are here

to my family” she asked and s

so intimately” she

other” Selena said her face suddenly tur

ddressing me as mother” she said

was standing behind her mother abs

ize he doesn’t love you, how come you got married before your older sister?” she asked her gaze still on her whi

randmother and as always respected her but hearing the woman speak like that to her she felt like saying somet

I never really followed Dylan all around and

she asked with a light chuckle and then turn to

ughter” she said and gave him little pat on the back before exi

s gets on my nerves” Selena said betwee

ck to search for him but as she took her steps to the opposi

u are going? You need t

s face made her decide otherwise, she sure has an expla

with the human female, he took his seat back at the long sofa there lying on his sid

ng how dangerous and grave it could

p out of this room why then d

is hair color took a new change as he controls the air around the room, Ian look on anxiously as he perform

said gently and stop the movement moving h

myself the only option I had was to go away from here to get my head cleared or else you wil

y do so. He waited for him to have a full

d and also took precaution so none of them will say

that thing” he advised seeing

world and besides the taste is so good every time I take

red wine since that’s the only liquid he takes whenever he comes to the human world every once i

rgy buzzing from all the people in party room gives him enough energy to sustain his desire and quench for human

in the world he does his job as the president of the corporation, being a thousand years demon his intelligence is much better than an a

for one more day, make prepara

d voice wanting to be sure

o see her again” he said and dro

all about? He asked and wa

er your wife”

too but one thing am sure of i

ou mean?” h

g positive vibes which doesn’t smell blood but calmness” he explained and then

al form and his body changes faster to a non-human feature the ven

im slowly take his form but right before he could change completely he sto

y but please don’t cause trouble” he p

ee me, I will go see them and come back

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