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College Bad Boys

Chapter 5 There's always a next

Word Count: 1778    |    Released on: 09/01/2023

to the cafeteria and

irl called Shirley came with her squ

th the girls to let them f

same thing happened and Bluey never wai

they both beat

ow and just say your last prayers. Fools." Bluey said and pushed a chair angri

as gotten behind her until

ed, only to see Archie coming into the caf

d perfect with his

her fall for him i


sh I can hav


ss and black curly ha

any m

Archie said again, finally


it if you don't want to die."

ven have conscience?? Are you human at all?? Because you don't act like one


hey all looked around to see who

?? Who the hell told you I'm Alex??! I'm Archie! Si

chie asked; facing

ging Archie and they left to order their fo

don't know his correct name. Alex!" Bluey mimicked Shir

Shirley said and they started leaving t

dogs." Jewel said and

you're abusing them. You're too much... Anyways, I'm Tamara, and those a

so much

you... triplets??" Mabe

semblance too??" Baby

much." Jewel said as she

d at the wa

harm to grid yourself into three

say that??"

too much." Baby said; prolonging

rey's triplets for

y's triplets??" Mabel

them." Baby said, pointin

d Mitchell said and they heade

el cracking jokes and making the poor girls

ters for me. I can't feel them anymore

l is really something else."

just go for comedy." Ev

o cute. I love y

?? Well, we love you too."

's talking about the triplets." Bluey

ugly Baby." Jewel sa

the prettiest here r

e must be drunk.

e prettiest here. Love is the prettie

romantic." Baby s

u just do??"

" Jewel said an

m cute. Good of you My Jewel.

e said again a

ans." They heard a voice and they turned

r***ts??" Jewel asked

spit out the food in their m

nitely, she must have been one of my customers, right de

ould start all over again. Or what do you think??" Bluey grinned

scot-free; I'm Shirley remember??" Shirley said and Jewel scoffed before

ia and ordered their bodyguards to throw

ed me to beat the crap outta the

still go after them." Wisdom said and

o us??" Bluey asked

initely, I can talk to anyone I want." Wisd

ked to us. This is what he does best a

s always being like this, don't b

b*tches is dying down slowly. Jewel what do you thin

nd bash them babe." Jewel sai

Nathaniel and Chris quickly carry them and they


you see

I'm Jewe

athaniel could c

on like

she watch the

h wish??!" Jewel shouted as she st

girls kept

r, don't you think??" E

is, Jewel to Nat. So perfect." Love sq

once I come down. I'll crush your balls." B

e to Nathaniel but the

s beside the music room a

d Tamara grabbed Bluey, whil

eat the stupidity out of him!" Bluey shouted; strugg

doesn't free me, else expect your prick to be gone. I'll cut it and f

y a psychopat

." Jewel said

Blake asked again and Je

and don't meddle in my busines

h." Blake f

br***ts if you don't let me go now Eva!"

don't want anything to happen to my cute rou

of Jewel and T

know if Blake was also smiling 'cause he has a

couldn't control his laughter so he

n they're sure that THE

ve themselves 'cause Bluey and

what happened right??" Bl

ay from the cafeteria, else you both would have been expelled for attemp

I get expelled as long as I made her (Shirley) a pati

get into trouble. Trust me, it's for your own goo

nd getting expelled, that's also trouble right?? So

today, but remember there's always a


do now??"

ir anger subsides, then we'd be good as friends

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