Ancient born
eep. I never seem to be able to recollect the dream when I wake. The only things I remember are the emotions I felt in the dream, which are usually "fear and despair". It keeps me awake t
y back wasn't working out for me anymore. Wrong move. My attempt at moving only
is in a better mood tomorrow, even though I doubt he would. His mood seems to worsen daily because o
over to my right. Grunting through the painful
o me was the noticeable silence. I spent most of my nights wishing sleep away thanks to my nightmares, so am always awake at this time of night
d at it now. It never does me any good pondering on what or who was crying
drivers came into our hall at night, I snored louder. Everyone did. It was a failed attempt to convince ourselves th
wouldn't be next to be visited. Thankfully, I was unusually healthy, so they stayed away from me. They always went for the deteriorating ones because no one
p. Being green with envy was clouding my judgement because even if I woke her up, it still wouldn't help me sleep. Her ability to sleep so peacefully was a superpower I wished I had. Sleep was the only relief w
with myself. But tonight was very different. The dream felt different as well. So was the fear. It was more intense, more personal, and more real. I tried
that it was going to be my worst nightmare manifesting itself in real life. There was going to be another roll call,
for it. It could happen any day of the week, but it was usually within a 4-6 weeks interval. Living in
recall anyone's number, anyone at all, but come up with nothing. Everyone here is a step
ately. Added to the fact that he was on a downward spiral. I was a nuisance to the slave drivers, and I did that because I knew they couldn't hurt me. Not as much as they do the ot
y only friend here. I had literarily forced her to start speaking to me. These days, I miss her more than ever. On nig
long. Making friends was a horrible idea, because when they are taken away, you are left with all these memories to deal with, which was why I stayed away from any and everybody after Mama Nancy was taken. I had learnt my lesson t
dn't have been pleasurable, I choose to believe she died blissfully and painlessly and I wi
anyway. She was already so weak. Considering the unfavourable con