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Howling in the dark

Chapter 2 Introduced To An Incredible Hot psycho Man

Word Count: 4072    |    Released on: 09/01/2023

ncredibly Hot Psyc


surrounding me. All I can see is a single blob hovering above m

ended in, bringing me to the present with a thud. Everything suddenly shift


isconcerting me with their brightness. I feel myself get lost in them

ong and firm. Wearing a t-shirt and cargo shorts, he is dres

all over the place, short wisps accompanied by long strands, carelessly tousled. The bangs make m

A royal blue, even, that shines in the sunlight. But the hair su

nce, trying to adjust to the incredible handsomeness before me.

eg is not bleeding anymore, covered with a t

y into the tile. A huge chandelier, crystals dancing generously just below its metal limbs, hangs delicately on a thin, gra

ll my attention f

s perfection, looking at masculine features that, at m

his hand over my mouth, "your throat is probably dry. Let me get you some water first." Hi

find a single emotion conveyed in his saunter. He seems to

the strange things

es. When I skimmed over it before, I hadn’t not

ly noticeable, even by me, the queen of scrutiny, but I now can see the difference. The bright, emerald green seems to snatch the light and dis

water to my lips, gently pouring it in


," he smile

s-saving me," I stutter. He lets loose a music

s a pl

ze, even one glance at his beautiful, appraising eyes causing butterflies in my stomach. The need arises to avoid this strange, alien b

on the floor, though, he catches my legs and deposits them back on the divan, the hint of a smile in the corner of his lips. I feel a tingle of a d

tell him the truth. “Th

ave! We have to find out more about ea

know more about me. His gaze tugs at mine, his expression of disappointment.

. Being liked is a privilege res

n my injuries. The joke is over. "Well, sorry. I'm leaving," I say sharply. Why does my rudeness have to

h so much devotion, is rather unsettling and strange. It is like nothing I’ve

ht breeze. Maybe this is all just a dream. Maybe in a matter of minutes

ce me into continuing on with this joke any longer. Obviously he is just toying with me by pretending to be attracte

ht in front of me,

been standing more than t

rner. "What are you? What do you want from me?" I be

trangely, he wears a resigned express

no matter how creepy this feels, I am shamefully happy to spend a few more seconds gazin

peaks. "My name is Xavier, and I a

his incredibly hot guy, the only one that’s ever talked to me, is a weirdo. I can tell he believes hi

y, as if he is a kindergartener. I know he

an’t help but notice how cute he is when he is vexed, a

problems," I automatically snap, then immediately wish to take back my harsh words.

eyes. The strange thing is, he doesn’t seem to be angry or even annoyed by me, but by himself. Wha

. His eyes fly shut, his lips pursed in concentration. He seems

ay you can pro

ing into his body. It is like a waterfall, the way his body just crumbles into itself. However, there is a shimmer of light befor

p white teeth and dark ey

I had read or seen about were

atches his skin. He, like his human counterpart, is absolutely beautiful. My breath is taken away as I examine him and his

alling towards the ground speedily. There is a flash of l

hereal. Somehow, my brain refuses to believe that werewolves exist, and even though now I am given p

hard, firm object. I feel the floor rush to meet me

back into my standing position. They feel warm, releasing s

from my back, coldness now flooding to the

from the absence of his big, toasty warm hands. He seems to sense that, leanin

es widen in surprise as I shove them in my pockets. "You don't wa

me. Yes, I trust you. Alt

e, almost from surprise rather than irritation. Bafflement is etched into

at myself. Why do I

n his slightly diminished smile, he seems undeterre

guy fo

r else you'll be waiting forever," I look a

ever. I have all the time in the world,

n I forget? He is

ver," I murmur, my voice picked up by his sensitive ears. Silence stretches betwee

tarts to to melt my heart. "I t

Wait a

me in response, waving my school ID before my eyes. Narrowi

launch myself at him, and he smiles wicked

going to get my ID back by force. He is moving his arms so quickly that its impossible t

planning on gi

en that picture was taken. It was about six months ago, and also the day when I lost my glasses yet again, leaving me

truly has been

on his azure hair and sparkle, making his whole head look like it is sprinkled with stardust. He

tounded at his pompousness and how hon

and flashes me a bright, astounding smile. I am a

bitingly, "I prefer a trait in men that you d

fore. I would sacrifice anything, even my life, for you. I know that's a strange statement to make, bu

, interrupting his rant. I can't believe my ears

you in the forest. I’m usually not very kind to trespassers that stumble our way." After a short span of shocked silence,

I'm his "mate", bound to him for life (or afterlife), and he

in his beautiful green eyes, sile

sly. Or maybe he doesn't. Maybe he just wants the satisfaction of hav

I get a choice on whether to be his mate? Is he so s

from this nightmare. My red hair falls into my face, my hands shaking. Xavier

etreating from my sight. I hear the pounding of footst

phone, you

ng around my toes as I slosh through the muddy dirt, my bare feet dyed brown. My red hair is loose and wavy, flying as a blast of cold wind f

m is a



, a whole collection from my childhood, which I can't bear to get rid of. Gold tones flood through my small windows, illuminating my face as I sit up into the glaring sunlight. J

resser, I carelessly grab a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, sliding it over my form. My spare pair of glasses, the other

urrounding it. Another one, though not quite so major, decorates my knee, bringi

e crazy man last night who

queness I did not understand. Even thinking of him sends tingles through my

s overtaking my senses. A repugnant stench makes my nose wrinkle in disgust, but not su

ow. It was just a feeling, in the pit of my stomach, that something was terribly wrong. The other kids, as I grew up, seemed to understand that also, gladly treating me like I didn't belong. At fir

gave up on

g into a hard shell that was sharp, bitter, and to

bove th

, making myself smarter and even more above the crowd. Now, to ac

awful puberty and other strugg

l. It begins at 8:00 AM, and it is 7:40. No wonder all the other orphans are gone, the only noise

so much

r supervisor. She raises her eyebrows as I quickly snatch my backpack. "Mona!" she c

ent to bed at two o'clock the last night! I mutt

n. Ms. Penn glares at me as I hurriedly down a glass of water, my frenzied gulps echoing in the

agon is furious now. It mig

es, a size too small for comfort. I shove my feet into them, making the straps loosen as far as possible, my toes falling off the sole. T

e around quickly. Ms. Penn is nowhere to be found, probably in her office to write me up for another c

zied ponytail. My nose, crooked as always, juts out slightly, an annoying feature I absolutely hate. My slightly curvy body hides under some of the only clothes I own, a baggy t-shirt and lo

t god-like man I saw last night. I am the least desirable girl at school, and for good reason. I don't ev

ing it, and then pull it open quickly. My eyes wi

voice whispers to the wind, we


n away from ur

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