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The Princess of darkness

Chapter 2 Shameless monk

Word Count: 2193    |    Released on: 10/01/2023

g the little bat monster on th

is land, I was even a little kid by that time but I always listen to all his teachings and followed t

you expla

pointing to the bowl in t

look closely at those teeth, you'll notice a pair of sharp and pointy teeth at t

uddhist robe was claiming innocent and righteousness before the little ba

s was begged from someone who

re giving out the perfect excuse

e to pity? I need to know that fool. " the bat guy doubted the authenticity of the

ha, desist from blood and killings and

souls, why do you insis


w a human approaching me with a knife in hand, he looked

A smile can light up a dark room..." so I merely smiled at him and he quickly realized his mistake and started be

y asked for a donation of blood and he happily gave it to me... nothing more " the b

ink of it before now? Reverend monk, can I learn fro

w the teachings of big brother and you shall succeed i

e latest news in hell rec

e since I set foot here, I'm always in the mortal world

let's not digress from the main topic. there'll be a great to

s hosting it? what

erce little tigress " the princess of darkness " so he's calling on all men who have reac

the mission center... I'm a

fuck are you trying to do, kill you

trying to get, do you? she's

challenged her husband to be in a fight and kill

ears and his son-in-law would be in charge for that thousand years, h

her-in-law say? " the

marry " the ba

e Reverend monk is not your normal

th for what seemed like an eternity

this street, from minions to huge monsters showing off their e

e the air conditioner, electricity, and some lightning instrument... all these t

tinents ( electricity is not free for all, it can only be given to demon

of equipment, it is the only source

ht was shining in

go every single minute, this mis

il they reached the mission hall. The bowl in that bald Monk's hand was now

sefire, which gave the blind bat enough time to notice his surrou

cess is this exorbitant?? And th


to further inquire from the manager about the upcoming contest. The devil imp beh

e the anus of an ostrich that was about to lay eggs. There was a strange glow

rapid breathing of all the demons and demons in the hall. Fapya, the vampire Monk

a red dress. Time indeed slowed down, wi

ith each of her strides. The heart of all men in this roo

black wings attached to her back, you'll think of this black beau

in the hall were struggling to keep little demons under control, but the little guys were never

clan. She's both a blessing and a curse to all lesser demons and mortal men a

ed to break the silence as she approached the

ample cleavage that was bar

only reply this yellow-ey

way, I'm just trying to get to know you. My

ck o

n the eyes of these demons were

agining how much she'll suffer at the hands of this cruel demon brought tears to my eyes." Fapya

n for her, where will you put your

a harem..." the blood-sucking duo argued on and on un

alfway, could he? He got near he and made to


everyone in the hall thinks. Not until they saw him cl

hand slid down from his neck and the floodgate of heaven

ster Duncan didn't know how he died. Only a few higher demons in the building saw everything clearly; fro

counter as if nothing happened. Well, everything

r crime lies at the arr


ed up to the counter and sm

mp was jolted awake fr

ammered and rubbed his eyes countless times j

r of this mission hall " t

t away. " the devil imp said while fluttering up and

appeared behind the shivering imp and placed h

e wrinkled-faced demon did a seventy-degree bow to thi

uard to Diana, the princess and t

ent have changed. read this and you should know what to do." Cynt

l and his face became a slideshow of emotio

demon's eyes were bulging out like

strolled out of the hall, her big backyar

f the hall, the silence was finally broken. all demo

the infamous beautiful disaster w

we're not alive, playing dead? yo

s for you not to understand the kind of situation we were in just now. t

the counter, listening to the comments o


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