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The Alpha's Battered Luna.

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2082    |    Released on: 30/01/2023


was m

gh this hell of a meeting. Cypher has been a constant bug, running throu

ikely methods to tame the wild redhead in the packhouse. Of course, I'd give the suggestions of Daniel a trial. I only hope it yields satisfactory resul

o be somewhere other than that building. Maybe, just

Edna as soon as I steppe

Her mouth was pressed into a firm hard-line, and her

is she?" I qu

e in her room, I guess,"

ll within the confines of the pack,'' I howled before storming away aggressively in search of my mate. I got to her supposed room, and to my utter disbelief, she wasn't there. I searched the

guards, informing them to go in search of her while I joined them. To make matters worse, I couldn't smell her. The more I walked, the m

side like a wife whose husband had just r

rds across the borders had re

n my hand through my hair while my stomach churned in restlessness. I'd never thrown up before, but I imagined this was t

es, warning me that I was on the verge of tears. This was the first time I wish

y left shoulder. 'It's all going to be fine. I

king when I caught sight of red curta

s question and continued to walk towards the

uth, and her body shook even in her sleep. I again swore by the moon goddess to avenge whoever made her so fragile. I moved closer to her statue and picked her up. Her whimper

e somehow stirred on my arms and used her hands to wrap around my neck. She nuzzled her head in the crook of my neck, which so

nd me upstairs. I'll be forced to walk on burning coal. Drop me,"

you. You are here with me,"

chirped weakly. Her ocean-blue doe

aya," I

h me. I don't want to go ba

y. Trust me. You are safe with me. They wi

than a feather, but I needed her to be comfortable. I looked at her again, and she was already fast asleep again. Her neck was

ins at the mere thought of her walking on burning coals for reasons as trivial as sleeping on a bed

groaned between

troked her hair. Once again, she nuzzled into me why I flung my arm around her and pulled her closer to me, allowing her scent

hat Maya wasn't in bed hit me

someone punishing her in b

e I stormed outside and saw her sitting in

red, while Daniel looked like

ved a

lled sweetly, but


and my wolf sighed, content

s and body-touching of th

I must yield good results in our relationship,

oo, and Ed


her see my reasons, but I knew that wouldn't work with her. Forcing Maya t

beginning that she needed space,

nd day, and now

but we both needed it—her to thin

t because I wanted to talk to my beta and zeta like I claimed—

we were all seated on the three-seate

," I answere

me, she's been acting weird lately. Alway

where, looking fresh and clean. Her thin flawless legs were left on display, and so also was her belly

a in my mouth. I wanted to hold her in my arms, but I refrained from touching her. Hell, my look was subtle because I didn't want to be caught or to come off as too s

alk, you can call me. I'm off," said Edna irrit

a because what I have to say concerns her, but since she's here, I'll go

o this time?"

about to do this time," I said, emphasi

, looking at me as though she was

, looking truly confused for the

a first time

and everywhere turned serene. Not even

ou clearly the first time," Daniel said and shifted on his

, but I want you to be safe, so I'd appreciate it if you let me know when you'd leave. And if it doesn't seem like crowding your space, I spoke to some of our allied packs, and they agreed to let you come live with them. I

king everyone but myself and Edna flinch. "This

ck of an Alpha and a mate if I make her wither instead of making

become a poet? WTF, Ash?" Another snicker erupted

suddenly sounded heavy with authority and need? "Can we ta

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