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Of Glory and Of Doom

Chapter 15 Lies and reasons

Word Count: 2139    |    Released on: 30/01/2023

place his hands on was dragging his spirit down and refusing any thought of sleep. It was like someone was pl


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1 Chapter 1 In the Beginning.2 Chapter 2 The young commander3 Chapter 3 The chosen one4 Chapter 4 Intruders5 Chapter 5 Laura6 Chapter 6 Not good7 Chapter 7 Surprise!8 Chapter 8 History9 Chapter 9 Unknown10 Chapter 10 A new discovery11 Chapter 11 WAKE UP CALL.12 Chapter 12 Devastating news.13 Chapter 13 Genesis14 Chapter 14 Personal Affairs15 Chapter 15 Lies and reasons16 Chapter 16 Expectations17 Chapter 17 Arrows18 Chapter 18 Goodbyes19 Chapter 19 Revelations20 Chapter 20 Rage21 Chapter 21 Preparations.22 Chapter 22 Bullshit23 Chapter 23 I can't see!24 Chapter 24 Disgruntled.25 Chapter 25 Breakfast26 Chapter 26 wedding dress27 Chapter 27 Love 28 Chapter 28 Nuisance29 Chapter 29 Red Cheeks.30 Chapter 30 Fight!31 Chapter 31 A taste of prison32 Chapter 32 Jeopardy33 Chapter 33 To have or give up.34 Chapter 34 Acting lessons35 Chapter 35 Trust36 Chapter 36 Acquaintance37 Chapter 37 What! 38 Chapter 38 Destiny39 Chapter 39 A search40 Chapter 40 A kiss 41 Chapter 41 Slowly falling42 Chapter 42 Make out Session43 Chapter 43 Mask44 Chapter 44 farewell45 Chapter 45 Coincidence 46 Chapter 46 Homecoming and plans47 Chapter 47 Clueless48 Chapter 48 Sports49 Chapter 49 Hold your peace50 Chapter 50 Soiled Victory51 Chapter 51 A Scare.52 Chapter 52 Wounds.53 Chapter 53 A New Dawn 54 Chapter 54 A little dose of dramatism55 Chapter 55 Hell in Hell56 Chapter 56 Second Chance57 Chapter 57 Ahhhhhh!58 Chapter 58 An eye-opener59 Chapter 59 An Intervention.60 Chapter 60 murmuring and distrust61 Chapter 61 unexpected confessions62 Chapter 62 Experimentations63 Chapter 63 Revelations64 Chapter 64 Authority65 Chapter 65 Scowls66 Chapter 66 Nightfall67 Chapter 67 Confessions68 Chapter 68 Strategic alliance69 Chapter 69 A clash of worlds70 Chapter 70 Liaison71 Chapter 71 Toast72 Chapter 72 Healing.73 Chapter 73 It was Laura!74 Chapter 74 And so it ends...75 Chapter 75 After Happily ever After