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Chapter 6 SIX

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 20/01/2023

ghed at the joke Ava made. Her laugh faded into the air as soon as h

dra said, Kim blinked slow

a little suspicious, it had be

a was about to speak wh

ith confusion, what was he talking about? "You should change your delivery address to yo

quet of roses, "Here," she handed it


e on, knowing who the roses were from. "Thank you, a

I was offend

va whispered, Kim,

ooked up at him and shook her hea

x-boyfriend" she said through he

fice," Mr Williams said,

our ex-boyfriend" she said and rolled her

with a smile rushing

her pocket, making sure Ava didn't see her. As soon

ing through the door,

" She said, Ava sighed and pu

llway, Kim took out th

" the letter wrote, Kim swallowed and

message, she paused and stared at their old

sent, waiting

he replied, Kim,

and date, cause I want you, Kimimela and I w

illed her head, Kim flus

arry me_" Her heart pounded faster, and in n

deeply. "I just have to hear what he

r in, she pushed the door open and walked inside. M

Kim looked at the chai

nt to talk about

forgotten about that, Kim wrinkled her brows and slowly searched her

.. Something came up" s

p from his chair, Kim's eyes fol

my mother," she l

Kim smiled and lowered her head. "Is he still your bo


for that," Mr Williams said, Kim, swallowed knowi

s a little uncomfortable t

stood silently. "You may leave," he said, slig

She bowed slightly

t and took a glance at it, It was her form for the Africa campaign. "Also, me

She aske

o do it?" He questioned

, Sir,"

can leave," He

t of his office, she looked at he

the front desk, there she found Ava sipping a cup of coffee

s Willy wants you at the theatre," She sai

her, "you don't want to? I have to

streaked as she gazed intensivel

it?" Av

called, A

when you stare at me

sked, Ava's eyes popped open. (A

Ava said with excitement in her voi

her pocket, the caller ID was her mother. She quic

said, walk

municarme contigo," (Kim, I

im asked, pushing her hair to the back. (I'm

ho" (how are you? Your grandma and I miss you

at work, let me call you after wor

alifornia" Lara said, Kim froze, of course, she remembered Pablo from high school the first crush that she would never have. (Kim, be

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