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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1134    |    Released on: 24/01/2023

a Se

that KJ and I just had a short beautiful conversation. His voice was pretty amazing. He seemed friendly.

as everyone left but he had already taken his leave. Matthew chuckled to get my attention as he packed his books. I rolled my eyes in dis

hand and strap my bag on another. I planned on putting them in my

" Matthews finally said after I ignored his first short laughter. He exited

Making things fair, I decided to stick with Matts' advice and arrange my ma

is books in it. He looked undisturbed and focus on what he was

ll. His locker, painted blue, same as mine was adjacently placed b

his locker issues, probably he wasn't used to it in his previous school. I arranged my hair getting ready to make my move. I w

an my hands into my hair. I needed to look beautiful

sn't sure whether to move or not. When I moved slowly towards his locker, I was pushed hard to the oth

her bragging rights. She got her bragging rights through different means, including bullying, dating the newest and hottes

winked, so evil. She figured I liked him and planned her moves ahead of

m with disgust. I was disappointed but fortunately, no one saw what s

coming towards his locker which was near mine. We always had our lockers tog

oftly. He saw what Anabel did which was hu

earlier," He finally said. There was nothing to

ou can stand there and laugh at me

you wanna date a hot guy who looks pretty physique and attractive

needed to hear the cons

e with other girls since they'll want him as well. Lots of insecuriti

eply to him. He wasn't making any s

eve me or not. But that

perfect time to leave him hanging by his locker. I walked through th

Matthews' voice behind me but I chose to ignore it.

waiting tables by any of the chefs they see. The chefs dressed in hairnets covering their hair and also

eat myself, my favorite table with my best friend. We always had our meals together

ll over him but he didn't walk alone. He had Anabel by his side show

dovey over my dream boy. I needed to seek advice

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