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Queen Of The Damned

Chapter 4 Three

Word Count: 3116    |    Released on: 26/01/2023

na says to her brother, he s

waist and the skirt flows down to the ground and covers her bare toes. Her brown hair has been untangled and is now straight and beautiful. She

lia are nervous

the two in peace in there so they can get acquainted with each other. However she does sense that they wil

has a chance. She smiles to herself as she walks

nd not that woman that thinks she can just take every

world that he is not familiar with. Wanting to find him she has to remind herself that he needs some time alone to figure things out, especially since this wh

the higher she goes and she can't help but feel nervous and this feeling like she doesn't belong

t have time to figure it out because before she knew what was

ee her right now or that is what she thinks. What she doesn't know is that in the shadows a girl

door and walking in. What she's met with inside the room does surprise her in ways

xture between love and lust, but she can't be to sure. She's shocked that his wife isn't there anymore and she's shocked that he's looking at her

was in there, not counting the time where

at she had forgotten all about is st

He says as he stands u

feels is love when her fire eyes stare into them. A blush creeps up her cheeks when he

stands in front of her and his arms make their way to wrap around her waist and pull her towards him. Her head

I've had you alone with

that is not needed fo

He whispers into her ear as he

still begs him to be with her intimately but he refuses. He first wants to wed her. He always had plans to wed her when he first brought her here but

e whispers which sen

hout anyone interrupting them or anything strange or dangerous happening to either one of them. No one dying, no one getting cursed and no on

air as the two share a kiss. The beast inside him eager to be released to be with her but he can't allow that. Lucifer breaks the kiss and looks at her. Her face the most bea

do something that you do n

o stop now he knows that when they do have their intima

and I will not force you t

ck by this but smiles at him nonetheless. She doesn't want him to let go of

s his way over to the bed

" She whis

s his way to the other sid

my love?" H

setting it down on the golden desk by the white ros

. I have missed them terribly"

ess off her but she realize

n around so I can ch

the same bed as she is. Not once in her life has she slept with a man before, not even her brothers since it was not allowed or at least in the

er before he turns around but i

re... difficult"

'm not wed. And I suppose this whole thing has to do som

n she first came and now her brothers are going

-through night gown that was left on the desk chair for her and changes into

re. Now that they don't have to take care of me any longer they themselves can get wed and have a family of their own maybe

dy been married to a woman and had children on their own to take care of. She's very grateful for her brothers and how they raised her but there always has been

eir home and that they're provided for" Lucifer te

r glow and the happiness writt

ther?" She asks as she plays wi

she doesn't know that, yet. To her it's still a necklace that looks beauti

here in our room" He tells her,

n't want her to get hurt, he just couldn't bear it and he wants to protect her even when she's fast asleep. "I know this might b

knows that she's never slept in the same bed as a male

t your wife

that it has already hurt her, he doesn't want her to go throu

continues when he doesn't answer her, probably

and so many other things that none have seen. The look of hurt on her face is as clear as day a

ys trying to find the right words to say

und her is something

be hard" He tells her and she s

sleeping in his clothes would make her feel more comfortable and knowing that he won't do anything to her. His thoughts continue to run around like

mile she has on while she sleeps tells him she's calm and safe. Watching her sleep is someth

s to her before he bends down pla

her sleep she can sense the powerful

the room, into

se" He speaks as he faces the s

out of the shadows

Which does remind me, what did you do with her?" He

takes bite out of it, the inside of the fruit is also as

reme, for now she's in an endless circle of death un

ad forgotten about the fact tha

here do they fit into

adows are her friends. He smirks at her before he steps cl

dagger that she had hidden behind her back but he had figured it out.

ans they will be dealt with soon. First they shall receive the H

g to free herself fro

e to do the things that even the strongest creatu

ing in has slightly opened, Athena who they believed was fast asleep is now standing by the do

t just watch the young Athena grow up in that house, I also watched her brothers.

y for her they didn't hear her when she gasped because they're too busy in their conversation

the few that are steer clear of humans and would never protect them for they woul

me here without me knowing. Someone must be protecting them. The only

dows and disappearing before his eyes. The King stands there for a second without knowing that

hat is going on but she knows that he needs to explain himself to her. Perhaps her love for him is making her blind. Love makes people blind and she certainly has been blinded when it came to this, and

or it. She didn't know where he was and frankly did not care, however she will do

ng her with open arms and before she knew it she was deep i

the things that were

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