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Billionaires' Secret Series 1: Uncontrol Love

Chapter 2 Trouble

Word Count: 1533    |    Released on: 31/01/2023

uccessfully crossed the other side. The guard guarding the gate

It was large, with a wide garden. It had a picture of per

as her eyes stared at the ho

live. She missed them like how she missed her life at the villa. If only the past could be bro

wn her face, her repeated wish would not happen. What

ards the backdoor. She still k

close the win

the tall plants when

What if robbers break into the house." V

nity for Jenny. Her eff

re probably sleeping again." A command from s

as ordering, but she wa

of the door locking near her. She found anot

ll make sure that the next time I come back, I will ge

ng to a bar first. She needed some liquor to


you're looking at?"

is friend who aske

" Dexter commented. He noticed how his friend gla

omment. "And what do you

Dexter answ

ter who was laughing. "Did you just come

some respect." Dexter comp

I am the one paying yo

he same time, then r


the woman was. It was obvious th

ig problem," Dexter com


, she's obviou

." Yazed suddenl

with others getting ahead?" D

re just to seek fo

ection as she created a commotion

s she looked up at the man standing in front of her. He did not like how she acted because she looked especially attractiv

ng?" Dexter asked when

o where the woman was. He didn't like the man hold

e with you." Yazed spoke loudly so that the man co

" the man scolded Yazed a

t to come with you so I just have to inter

" the arrogant man ask

r one with him, thus it was a little unfair to her because she was still a woman. She stared at the man acting like a

ow her?" Yazed aske

nother one to satisfy you!" th

the rude man said. Even though she d


med in pain. Surprised, he turned his gaze to the woman because she was able to hurt the rogue. The man

d the man angrily. "Satisfy? G

pain after Jenny kicked his

" The man's companion angrily cu

uickly kicked his knee and punched the other man’s face at the same time. Yazed just stare

red to his stunned friend. "I

immediately took it back when he realized it. "What?! I

"Still pretending, but you can't deceiv

The two stared at each other, while in a position where their bodies were so close. With their eyes lo

id softly after ave

uestion, but the woman sud

e opponent's blow which

and smiled. She looked at her opponents

anted to lose nor stop. Jenny leaped to the ot

surprised at what happened and the woman's quick actions. Yazed wanted to

nent's punch. He angrily grabbed the man's collar before he could

eat the opponent so

single scar. Yazed admired her even more. Dexter took care of the damages that had to be paid and the two were thrown out so as not to cause any

yet." Dexter stopped Yazed w

ou can go home." Yaze

d y


That's good news. At least I know you

r and was not plea

hands in surrender. "Good

And he hurriedly came to her side when she almost tripped. For the second time

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