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Alpha Drake: The Cruel King

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1377    |    Released on: 01/02/2023

” inquired the woman we

out. Her body is far too frail. You need to check on her, and she needs to be hea

d Emily’s body and

n’t good

pha does not understand the concept of pa

body is covere

n replied flatly. After a brief mo


is a fabrication perpetrated

of an alpha. How heinous are they?” Even if their Alpha


of bearing a child, Dillo

ou have to do is your best. I

imple. What if she is also emotion

t is your responsibility,”


repeatedly called her name. She tried to s

ut was unsuccessful. She tried to shift he

er name once more, motioning for her

her cheeks as she notices

e was no sound. She moved e

d in front of her, sucking her

rything I can

unsure of her whereabouts.

s and shut them back when

” she g

n’t in her room, lying in h

fixed on the white


s she


st be starving. In an hour, the Al

, Li

Lilac said as sh

Dillon asked as she turned to

ed her brow. “So, Beta Dillon, what are

nse and simply walke

hrugs, let out soft chuckles,

rd those conversat

her bed suddenly flew back, revealing a wo

their eyes on her

hen looked down, realizing she

iled at her, causing her to relax slightly. “I’m Mildred, or yo

She was the first girl with whom Dillon had spoken previously. She the

Emily.” Lilac appro

m that makes them smi

he fact that she has already arrived at the Blue

e said as she sat beside Emily. “But don’t be alarmed; you’re going to

y apologies; I neglected to introduce myself.” She chuckled so

she was aware that their personalities were distinct. Dillon is cold and au

Millie said as she assisted her in sitting up. “I’ll c

acked away, but he

“Do not be alarmed; I will

n her gaze met Lilac’s, the latter pushed the tray to the side

“I-I’m all right

llie spoke in unis

r,” Dillon said an

er, what if she doesn’t obey? It was clear as crystal that she was in the Blue Moon pack because her

kill her if sh

d not grasp it. She poured the bowl of food into t

averse to seeing their reaction; what if they

and her family; perhaps it was only her mind that was strong e

l help her eat,” she said and turned to Emily. “Don’t wor

s so kind to me

be strong enough before the Alpha takes he

o ask about Dillon’s words. Howev

ue Moon wolves lacked empathy. However, thi

oon pack has a bad reputation, it m

appears as though she is at

prehend their actions, she felt

or a while? Besides, the food sp

bowl of it, Lila

r brother. “Yes, Beta,” she

y piqued th

it?” she inquired as she scribb

er traded me in exchange for money, ri

econds passed, but

y for askin

“It’s all rig

, making her eyes widen, and Lilac sto

say something wrong?” Emi

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