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Falling For Her Billionaire Baby Daddy

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1501    |    Released on: 13/02/2023

d a variety of fancy foods that looked like something out of a celebr

cake with a tiny candle on top as a reference to her birthday.

el,” said Derek. “I hope al

ve always dreamed of having a special dinner to celebrate my b

it's not just about the dinner, but the thoughtfulness behind

lifetime to know someone but that too has t

rds. Derek was such a sweet guy who knew what t

bbing her lips with a napkin. “I don't want your gir

ay of asking if I have a girlfrie

not po

y n

some, well-spoken, and rich. You can have any

I want but that doesn't mean I have to be in a relationship with them

mean you have many lady friends tha

ick question that I'll rather not ans

into the penthouse. The outdoor dinner ha

rent oil paintings, artworks, and a white grand piano in the middle of the room. The p

. I always come here to relax whenever I feel drained af

is place i

w,” he

and ran a hand across the smooth

t down on the piano seat

hed Rachel. “One

ven piece too,” he said

an to sway, then suddenly, she was on her toes doing a ball

tune and watching her performance. When the tune reached its crescen

so close to each other that his breath fanned her ch

hispered back and pressed her lips against his. It felt like the na

er tonight, but right now, she wanted all of him. He w

did a grand tour of my bedroom and I can show yo

iggled. “But I'd like to find ou

e room was done in white and different shades of blue, giving it a cool and rela

alist over-the-top bedroom,”

taste,” he co

d, making her nearly as tall as him. She leaned forward and kissed h

orward expression of passion with no mixed signals. I like this girl,

against his lips. “No need to rus

ked uncertainly. “Wha

e all probably at home already by now, sleeping of

eating down my door on allegat

dramatic. They know I'm ou

e y

bout to find o

her to the bed where he laid her on the soft surface like a delicate flower. First, he

he hell made him prefer skinny women all these years. This woman o

t you see?” She

ou are the sexiest woman I have ever

ggled. “Now, it's your turn

, and finally, his underwear. Rachel's gasp of admiration was

nt here, so how do you manage

d floor of the building. I work out th

she laughed. “Wanna

ull boobs tumbled out in all their rounded glory. She took his palm and laid i

ode with pleasure. She hadn't been intimate with anyone since her l

r with feathery kisses that made her sigh. He loved how she

other lovers, he didn't feel the need to rush this tender experience he was having with this gloriously beauti

love of her life. It didn't matter that she barely knew t

e whispered beautiful nothings in her ear and she murmured incoherently in re

se, they clung to each other tightly and no wor

eath after a couple of minutes, D

htedly. “I don't see

e!” He

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