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Turning Tables on the Princess

Chapter 3 An Opportunity

Word Count: 1147    |    Released on: 06/02/2023

nly thing I wan

e’d have me that set

ened. Making me seem far

damn place before

el intimidated and to know he di

k was beginning to fall,

a hunt with Edrick on a makesh

d swore at the sight of the Alpha. “I told

d them into

ever knew of, that The Healer

ekah, efforts, Edr

pha wa

ha of the NightHu

aughter the Alpha but on

e howling. And both of his sons were grieving near t


the background and wondering if I should do somethi

Her salt and pepper hair a bit wild arou

e who seemed crumbled by the

istracted by their pain. “Draven is Alpha now and both he and Alaric will need to a

rror. Already kn



hesitation. Won

w night’s time. Everyone knows how

virile of the wolves roaming after the plague. Each

er Alpha Edrick had found me in the woods, I had known I wouldn

, I could eat. I

e no man’

me in those walls, I

way Alaric watches

at Alaric

ye more than once over the last year. He was solemn and

rned me he’

every turn so far. Doing the

e cones from the needle trees to scent

d in generosity. He’s been planning

have a female to pound into. The agony of suffering

ine scent did become stronger. We were more easily aroused but it


the death of their alpha, E

s Marta

nd he’d taken care of me

pected. Kinder t

g for the goo

he only other female I co

me. Watching the bloom of

Knowing we were near enough the fire that it’s crackling might mask some of o

ipped my upper

ing. To

toward the fire worriedly.

ise me you’ll follow. Don’t let them get

sitantly. But I was worried. I could

blame her. I wasn’t sure I’d be any different if I had


the wall behind a tr

to the fire as if afraid she might be caugh


ving and acting that she wasn’t listenin

pered fearfully. Loo

th kn

ers. They’re alw

e, they’ll h

“But I’m very good at fitting in w

den brothers. I couldn’t tell which, though she somehow could. I assume

rried ab

was scar

have to try to get away. Don’t


ld get

But I was guessing. I didn’t even kn

r can track

un down anything wi

ecar won’t be kind if

e filled with vengeance

ere stacked

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