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Chains of marriage

Chapter 3 A mistake

Word Count: 1776    |    Released on: 08/02/2023

alance gaining a huge wound close to my eye....Jason treated it for me but Ben didn't even say two words to me afte

egally married to Mr George" one of the reporters asked ...Ben already g

e news " I replied still trying to

ecret for so long" this was an unexpected question for George

veryday of her life would be monitored which isn't right " Ben said....was he being truthful or just another lie ,Ben doesn't love me he is givin

privacy is very important,for ho


wife for three

ly I met yesterday the lady who told me of her marriage secret ..she dat

it..if I can remember clearly Jason said he was a womanizer and Lily is no difference


at me quietly clearly stating the fac

tle lost..what was

answer to this question..I feel Ben hand on mine as he pinches

ween them I rest assure you guys" I said as they all jott down My speech as

the reporters come closer trying to make us answer more ques

was lost in thoughts still thinking about Lily and Ben scand

you have to be careful from now onwards" was the

one, one of the guards runs in a little nervous,as he gazed a

it Job"

have a


n immediately Job said those words was priceless he looke


ed extra seductive today.....she has a motive, now I believe they truly h

is enough" Lily said but wasn't even looking at me as she walks towards me hugging me

d"Lily said as Ben looks at Lily but not the normal way ....he kept

er a drink" really don't we have maids why did he really

and walked a

said without even looki

kitchen and meet

it myself" I told them as they bowed and I ran back towar

elt really bad that even the paparazzi knew my husband better than me...Jason was rig

e...we could have met in a m

ad no choice" she replied seductively as she slowly takes o

my matrimonial affair..

red of your w

e Maya so much today that it disgust me each time I remember" he replied, Lily smiles and kisses Ben on the lips.

o well and would talk to her over the phone.....after the little tears I shedded earlier I felt no remorse, like I

ast 9...Jason was late again today after fe

he walked in smiling while trying effort

d hugging me..wh

news today..you did

that little thing....I'm an e

ay you proved me wrong" he said sitting beside me on m

eer you up and also to congratulate you on your goo

reamed happily while

.. composing myself....I haven't had chocolate for a very long time and even when I pass

ates...I almost bought you lingerie" Jason

on.. can I

kit" he said as he walks to my closet to bring it out ...in less than ten m

y bad day today ...this choc

a this was just to cheer you up

just telling me,you should have told me earlier so

as the best gi

at flirting..make a wish a


e for a while mostly my lips...

said..I don't know why I felt a bit sad he couldn't ask

u sure

champagne" Jason said as

at if he advance to a kiss or something"..I said to myself while imagining everythi

smiling abou

e!!!!!!!" I said jumping o

drink this win


scissors, I don't know what moved me to act flirty to Jason as one thing lead to another and we kissed...I kissed

on uttered as we continued kissing but this time more in

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