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The Emperor of Han Dynasty

Chapter 3 You are my Lord

Word Count: 2611    |    Released on: 20/02/2023

ld of vision, Liu Xiu changed the panic and cowardice just now, ran back into the f

t out several mouthfuls of black mud. His already pale fa

ou ... are you injured?" On Long Yuan,

d hoarsely, "I

filled a bucket of fresh water from the

ladle of water into his stomach. After drinking, he

as in a mood to look

tall. He was well-proportioned and had a thin figure. Looking at his

: "This time I would like to thank benefactor for your help. The life-saving grac

take the risk of beheading to rescue Long Yuan was entirely because Long Yuan did something he want

oncern: "Where

avoid the arresting before making plans." While talking, Long Yuan gritted hi

pending on your current state, I'm afraid you can't get out of two or three miles.

tched physically, but also had serious injuries and excessive blood loss. If he co

ut to hold Long Yuan's arm, and secretly said, "G

r mind. If you take me in, once the information leaks, y

idden. It is a log cabin abandoned by hunters in the mountai

Xiu and asked, "Why doe

But there are very few people who dare to assassina

ighly of me. What I did was not for the

has hatred aga

oment, and said: "Yuan came

startled, followed by an expr

with Wang Mang. No wonder Long Yuan dared to stab Wang Ma

rs, Wang Mang, who was already in power at that time, decided

ld and was taken to Chang'an by Wang Mang. He beca

one was allowed to talk to him, and no one

e palace, but he became a fool who knew nothing abou

urt for many times and proposed to visit his son i

ian's family. Liu Xian's family were all dead, and only this

Guangqi had hatred deeper

eight miles and came to a mountain forest. After walking for more than half an

mporary shelter built by the hunters in

ved here for many years, and many s

elped Long Yuan in and let him sit on th

dy was wrapped a circle of cloth strips and he

abbing and scratching. Some of the wounds turned up on both sides,

at a person who had suffered so many and so serious injuries could sti

a lot of herbs in the mounta

ng, he got

im, and said weakly: "I have basic drugs in my po

d a wooden barrel in the woode

ater, Liu Xiu returned to the ca

d basic drugs on the wounds, and finally took off his inner lin

the process. But Long Yuan wa

he wound, Liu Xiu clearly saw that the muscles around his wound were all cramping and trembling, but looking

th the wound, Long Yuan was relie

at Liu Xiu and

e." Liu Xiu asked, "What els

and he was embarrassed to ask more again. He didn't sp

s pale complexion tu

own head. Long Yuan was pursued along the way. He was afraid that

or me here, I will go home

ng Yuan looke

d, and locust disasters from time to time. Every household's harvest Was not very good. At

led at him and said, "Relax, the harvest in m

d, "It's safe here, and there aren't many people c

hing, but he finally swallowed the words that came to his m

e in the log cabin, and gave a

ly as possible, made another pot of rice and a plate of dishes, and then p

ing the footsteps outside, he immediately opened his eye

Xiu coming in from the outside,

n the basket, and said with a s

s not very talkative. But in fact, Liu Xiu's personality was calm,

d closely. There were porridge, vegetables, and meat sou

"I made these, how about

sive the meat was. He only asked how he was cooking.

by his sudden move. Before he could figure out what was g

sed Liu Xiu to panic and hur

inally a slave of the Lord Guangqi's Mansion. At that time, Lord didn't think Yuan was humble and low, and he kept Yuan in

termittently: "As long as Yuan still has a breath, Yuan will kill the

he could not say a word, just like this iron-clad man. But at this time, h

and said, "Brother Lon

n, took a deep breath, and said with a serious face: "Benefactor, you have saved Yuan's life, and you are co

expect that Long Yuan should treat

s hand and said, "I ... I am just a country v

aid with a serious face: "Yuan can see that be

e courage to do things. He never changed his mind, he had ambitions and tricks

escendants were orthodox. The identity o

an said firmly: "If the lord does not agr

up, and the wound on his body was already bleeding, Liu Xiu said

n, with Liu Xiu's help

slave in Lord Guangqi's Mansion, but now Lord Guangqi was gone, you are no

ss smile: "However, it will be very hard to be my follower. I have

eriously: "Lord,

asked: "Your name is Long Yuan. Wh

head, and whispered, "We are sla

iately heard the out-of-talk voice. He asked c

ang, seven of us died. Later in order to help me escape, three mor

, "Where are

er a while, Long Yuan said: "When my injury is cured, I will go t

ind and asked, "Which of the

years old. Long Zhun and Lo

oment, and said, "How ab

once again knelt on his knees, said

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1 Chapter 1 All because of Liu Xiu2 Chapter 2 Righteous rescue3 Chapter 3 You are my Lord4 Chapter 4 A teacher and friend5 Chapter 5 In distress again6 Chapter 6 Joining the Volunteer Army7 Chapter 7 Arrows on the string8 Chapter 8 Convincing Elder Brother9 Chapter 9 Shocked everyone10 Chapter 10 The first meeting11 Chapter 11 Trouble coming12 Chapter 12 Assisted by the Li Family13 Chapter 13 Marching on Hanzhong Prefecture14 Chapter 14 Surround to annihilate them.15 Chapter 15 Encountered another enemy16 Chapter 16 Won the first battle17 Chapter 17 Pretend to prepare to advance along one path18 Chapter 18 Pretend to prepare to advance along one path while secretly going along another19 Chapter 19 Rescued Again20 Chapter 20 Went to the County city21 Chapter 21 the Barbarian Army struck22 Chapter 22 The man who openly offended the Han Dynasty23 Chapter 23 Strange Things24 Chapter 24 The brothers met together25 Chapter 25 Things were out of whack26 Chapter 26 Opinionated27 Chapter 27 Rejected a great gift of thanks28 Chapter 28 Marched deeper into Qianyou Mountain rashly29 Chapter 29 Been ambushed in miserably tracks30 Chapter 30 Suffering a crushing defeat31 Chapter 31 Be Caught In A Hopeless Situation32 Chapter 32 Very Blessed33 Chapter 33 Rescue Righteousness34 Chapter 34 Capturing The Leader35 Chapter 35 The Massacre Of Revenge36 Chapter 36 The Brothers Reunite37 Chapter 37 Talented Man38 Chapter 38 The Mainstay39 Chapter 39 Arrives In Time40 Chapter 40 Intrigue Against Each Other41 Chapter 41 Fail On The Verge Of Success42 Chapter 42 Crisis Mitigation43 Chapter 43 Fallen Petal Intentionally44 Chapter 44 Act On Impulse45 Chapter 45 Good News Came46 Chapter 46 Cavalry Attack47 Chapter 47 Under the Lance48 Chapter 48 Assassin Pop Up49 Chapter 49 Catching Assassins50 Chapter 50 Be Involved