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Doctor CEO's Sole Loved

Chapter 9 Which Woman Doesn't Like a Handsome Man

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 15/02/2023

ung up the phone and said to Morris, "I have to

the same way." He le

he didn't bother to argue with

iting outside the campus walked forward immediately. When she

who is

ance at Morris, Miley said indifferently, "A cl

on the driver's seat. Without saying anything

lege gate and asked with curiosity, "Miley, what's his n

nd then frowned. "Why do

ld is he? Judging by his temperament and dressing, he must be a successful man. Mile

elplessly, Miley could only change the subject. "Sto

ot this. This is a question I should ask you. What happened

er. As such, her mother had already known the affair

Miley a start. On answering it, she heard her mother's roar, "

d it, which made her relationship with her mother even worse. Especially after she went together with Roy, her mother drove her out of the family in a fit of temper. That was when she established the advertising studio with Roy. Later, she tried patching things

d about Roy's betrayal, her re

ead feebly. On the passenger seat, Sherly was

hen you're free. I really take a shine to him. You

if carefully drawn by a great artist. Since she was 18, she had been pursued by countless men,

o in her heart. How could she introduce to her sister a m

his appearance. He's not a good m


teeth, and said, "He's ga

like such a man. Do people say so beca

heterosexuality, he gave a violent sn

ffirmed that he was a gay, while S

Before they reached Winnie's ward,

ique to their mother. Miley felt like a wire was

man you wanted? He's had a baby with another woman behind you! I feel so ashamed for you! People will laugh at us if

ther came only for herself because she c

spot, but he was somewhat afraid of her

t to Winnie, who was lying on the bed, and continued cursing. Although Winnie's mother was also angry ab

ecame as noisy as a

ith a cold face. "Miley, that's enough! Why did you bring your mother

somewhat disappointed. Before she could r

nd. Standing before Mrs. Smith, Winnie's mother said angrily, "Who all

y woman jumped up by herself, and regardless o

also flew into a rage. He took up a cup on the

ir and square. Suddenly. she fe

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