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The Seven Deaths

Chapter 3 Tear Down that Wall

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 07/03/2023

longer. I try to fight it, but it's too powerful. The pain is un

ormation. My bones crack and shift as excruciating pain courses through my body. I feel every inch of my skin prickling with the emergence of thick, coarse fur from every pore, engul

guiding me thru this process, telling m

I can hear the slightest rustle in the underbrush. My sense of smell becomes incredibly heightened, allowin

y. I feel an overwhelming urge to howl at the moon, to let the world know that I am here, alive, and free. My heart races, and I want to ru

e increasing, but it’s not me anymore who is in charge of myself. I

hose words he shifted in just a second… i

om me, or what were

ble to achieve. His skin was covered in a thick layer of course, dark fur that glistened in the moonlight. His face was a mix of

His claws were long and sharp, protruding from his fingertips like deadly weapons. And his fangs

ity to his bearing, as if he were a king among beasts. H

as instance I could

is the lycan King’ I h

ave been silenced and forced to hide since your b

my bod

ake my time’ with those words she jumped without hes

, it was satisfying, I felt

e as I enjoyed my transformation. He was not in the form

we reached to the river far in mountains

without even noticing’ was

p in your mind, I felt and heard your thoughts, I am

wolf but I knew it was me, she was giving me the ch

dn’t stop thinking about him.

eed to figure out later' her voice and existence has made me feel full.

reathing the air as it was the f

ol even made me jealous” Duncan was behi

was dark and deep, it made ev

her voice was dif

hm… I Should name you? Do y

oddess has given

alistic voice of his, ordering us something, I was getting mad but the shift

amed at him “Don’t you

we need to have a little chat…” he closed the distance between us and touched my chick

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