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Fighting Fate

Chapter 5 – Money well spent

Word Count: 1124    |    Released on: 15/02/2023


appeared cold but when I saw her eyes widen in fear at the idea of being escorted off, I felt bad. T

s the way the birthday man, Greg, was staring at me the whole time. when I told you about e

the guys who h

, I was encroaching on someone he viewed as his, so I quickly made my excuses. Seeing as

I like the ch

ifter. I opened the thirty-five year and poured him a generous measure,

lost himself in the red tables and card pla

n her top became ruined. I had to intervene. If she went home, Greg wou

od for Pauline and her fancy jacket. When I promised to buy her

That isn’t my scene at all. Too much power play, reminds me too much of pack

to stand closer to her something shifted in her. As I took in her new appearance the coldness melted, leaving only her pretty face flushed with

lf,? my policy for avoid

om Greg was desperate to out-macho the situation. After watching me escort her

jealous idiot, I silently toasted as

out impressing her I could tell. To be fair I think she gave every guy in t

ing down. Greg, our lucky birthday boy, had managed to drink so much of his precious scot

To my surprise, Miss Wilding took up a seat at the bar whilst her brunette friend

face, determined to not end on a bad

glass from me, her finger brushed against mine and I felt a sudden fizz and crackle of conn

u mean,” she said icily, sliding t

aight answer. This time she didn’t break eye contact and I could see the layers

w how to handle any situation but for once I had no idea wha

er cheeks colouring a little as I took the chips from the bar,

r boss?” I asked, curious as to wh

…” she started, then looked across at him asleep in the booth, “I could alw

e bet on you being a good emp

have me,” she said with a raised eyebrow causing me to

away. As though someone turned down the volume leaving just us faci

e sits. Callum and the staff were sorting out the drunken party goers with ta

s empty as she softly sips her drink and watches me. All I know is I want her

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1 Chapter 1 - Organisation is key2 Chapter 2 – Allow me to introduce myself3 Chapter 3 – And what brings you here 4 Chapter 4 - $1000 and a Velvet Jacket5 Chapter 5 – Money well spent6 Chapter 6 – A little less conversation7 Chapter 7 - Win for the house 8 Chapter 8 - Bottle and a Bag9 Chapter 9 – Suite Relief10 Chapter 10 – New Desk Please 11 Chapter 11 - Mr Valence is waiting12 Chapter 12 - Do we have a deal 13 Chapter 13 - Diamonds and Cigar Boxes14 Chapter 14 - That Dress15 Chapter 15 - Can I ask you something 16 Chapter 16 - A Tangled Tango17 Chapter 17 - Only Love Can Break Your Heart (Selene)18 Chapter 18 - Only Love Can Break Your Heart (Rocco)19 Chapter 19 - Massage with a Message20 Chapter 20 - Twisted Fates21 Chapter 21 – Back in the Pack22 Chapter 22 – Slow Dancing, Fast Talking23 Chapter 23 - A Breath of Fresh Air24 Chapter 24 – A Rocco and a Hard Place25 Chapter 25 – Deep wounds never heal right26 Chapter 26 - Just Throw me in the Trunk and Drive27 Chapter 27 - Objects in the Rear View Mirror…28 Chapter 28 - Tapping Out29 Chapter 29 - Don't Look Back30 Chapter 30 – Plans on Top of Plans31 Chapter 31 – All that Glitters32 Chapter 32 - Bluffing with the Best33 Chapter 33 – Blood Moon34 Chapter 34 – At the Top of the Rollercoaster35 Chapter 35 – A Hand Full of Nothing36 Chapter 36 - Doors That Should be Kept Shut37 Chapter 37 - A Frozen Heart Still Hurts38 Chapter 38 - Rollercoaster Decision Making39 Chapter 39 - A Chat with the Alpha 40 Chapter 40 - Any Help At All41 Chapter 41 – Circling the Whirlpool42 Chapter 42 - Why Selene Wilding is Mine43 Chapter 43 - Rescuing a Lost Hand44 Chapter 44 – Forgive or Forget 45 Chapter 45 – A Moment of Truth46 Chapter 46 - Penthouse Please47 Chapter 47 - All In, Show Hands48 Chapter 48 – Regaining Sanity49 Chapter 49 –50 Chapter 50 - Dirty Dealings51 Chapter 51 – CCTV and Cages52 Chapter 52 – Cellar Confessions53 Chapter 53 - Some Animals Should be Caged54 Chapter 54 – Shifting into Formation55 Chapter 55 – The Battle for Selene56 Chapter 56 – Rearranging and Changing57 Chapter 57 - New Wheels, New Dreams58 Chapter 58 - Time for a Change59 Chapter 59 - Jackets and Pencil Skirts60 Chapter 60 - Cheque Books and Hot Dogs61 Chapter 61 - Selene’s Showdown62 Chapter 62 - Full House63 Chapter 63 – Found Puzzle Pieces