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The Alpha's Luna Is A Sex Freak

Chapter 6 Determined to find her

Word Count: 1174    |    Released on: 15/02/2023

nt of her guest and then sighed in relief. She knew that scent, it wasn

to face the middle aged wom

ng for her to say so, she went s

door, then she walked to the lady

d, orla? What happened

uestion of her own, sounding blunt and disrespectful whil

e that? Well, why don’t you explain why you left the

been broken and I believe you shou

us in your room, what did you do to him? Were

’t you answering my calls? Were you avoiding giving me my percentage? You know you

not knowing where to start from. But di

d at her in surprise. She wondered where Orla had found thi

ike that, I made you what you ar

needed you or your so-called help, I have been the one makin

whenever you want,” the lady fired and s

am actually telling you that I am done, please le

, trying to decipher the emotion

playing with Fire, I could ruin your life, you l

“Do your worst, the door is that way, g

utterfly, but don’t forget you would eventually have to perch o

a whore like you, then it’s game over for you baby girl, I will see you around,

e door and closed it. She didn’t want to go back to tha

* * * *

ulmate in the brothel yesterday? And she was in another

f the way his friend spoke about his mate. “

ning, Oh man… that is Preety messed up,” Bart said and

, I am going after

me company had come to catch up. Well, Bart enjoyed chatting more than doing his

ut I know women… as someone who visits this sex workers regular

kled face. He was surprised that

from a respectable home and you deserve someone that can f

hen they find out that your wife was a sex worker? Do you know how many men she might have s

se things, and you have not slept with her yet, she knows you by the

see if she lied. I mean, I have taken one third o

t all. “Her name is Mona,” he

I know her,” Bart muttered

. Like I said, I don’t really care about what she has

stop at nothing to get her, she is my mate and we would spend the re

r mind, so I won’t try to convince you otherwise, I just hope you are no

g that I am making the righ

. He wanted his destined soulmate as his mate a


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1 Chapter 1 Mate!!2 Chapter 2 A sex worker!!3 Chapter 3 Going out with him4 Chapter 4 They made love, she ran away5 Chapter 5 Her addiction6 Chapter 6 Determined to find her7 Chapter 7 The woman leader8 Chapter 8 A witch and a Werewolf9 Chapter 9 She ran away10 Chapter 10 Crashing in on her best friend11 Chapter 11 Drama in the library12 Chapter 12 Sex with the Library Manager13 Chapter 13 Running into the Alpha14 Chapter 14 The Alpha's Father15 Chapter 15 A jealous Luna16 Chapter 16 Tormented by the Truth17 Chapter 17 Bring me Orla!!18 Chapter 18 The Alpha's home19 Chapter 19 Forever is the deal20 Chapter 20 Killing two birds with one stone21 Chapter 21 The Mate Mark22 Chapter 22 Making up23 Chapter 23 His First Blow Job24 Chapter 24 The Anonymous message25 Chapter 25 Caught in the ACT26 Chapter 26 A call from Susan27 Chapter 27 Accusing her mate28 Chapter 28 Learning the Truth29 Chapter 29 Seeking Forgiveness30 Chapter 30 Morning desires31 Chapter 31 Sprinting after Sex32 Chapter 32 Alpha versus Alpha33 Chapter 33 The truth is out34 Chapter 34 She's a Damn Nymphomaniac35 Chapter 35 Logan's solution36 Chapter 36 First day at Work37 Chapter 37 Hazel's secret boyfriend38 Chapter 38 Aroused on duty39 Chapter 39 She cheated again40 Chapter 40 She took her own life41 Chapter 41 Is the Luna dead 42 Chapter 42 She's Alive43 Chapter 43 Fighting her addictions44 Chapter 44 Hazel's Strange Visit45 Chapter 45 Hazel's request46 Chapter 46 Finding the Luna a solution47 Chapter 47 His Big move48 Chapter 48 A Vampire amongst Werewolves49 Chapter 49 Sex with a Vampire50 Chapter 50 The Mysterious nightwalker51 Chapter 51 The Rogue Vampire52 Chapter 52 Hazel is Heartbroken53 Chapter 53 Attacked by a Pack of Wolves54 Chapter 54 The Prodigal son in law55 Chapter 55 Reconciling with her Vampire Mate56 Chapter 56 Meeting with his mate57 Chapter 57 Bart is a Vampire58 Chapter 58 Orla's return59 Chapter 59 She's pregnant60 Chapter 60 The Young Alpha