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The Killer and Her Mate

Chapter 5 ‘Was he crazy ’

Word Count: 1928    |    Released on: 14/02/2023

I mean Mr. Tynen will b

t her own wishes. As she had said before she had fallen asleep in t

by the time she realized where she had been she found herself all alone in a big offic

take her to her new home but she wasn’t very sure. Deciding to snoop around she walked forward to the gigantic


d making it stand out. The richness and lure it held seemed to be laughing in her

lionaire who had led his father’s Event management company to the pinnacles of success in the business world a

ing up to a level of borderline obsession. The degrees lining the wall behind his chair along with a w

a sense of admiration and inspiration but to

rasp of one rich man into b

roat at the thought of submitting to money like her mother had to her father she pressed a han

there to stop the destructive images of her moth

ney, don’t you?’ the voice mocked her in her head and moving her

t she stared at his name plate. Snatching it she noticed the edge to be sharp, the metal winked at

ean that he had the power to control her. The more she thought in that manner

to take a t

ed to prove an

nd influence to her. To scare her and make her docile to his will. It took her some time but


of his college degree she laughed. Her parents hadn’t even cared when she had said that she wouldn’t go to college. Her father wouldn’t e

she had been in high school. She had wished and prayed to her mother to show some interest in her then and to help her take this s

ge degree looked like it

hing the frame containing his certificate. The glass shattered and flew around her, glittering in the light and finding the spectacle to be p

ow that she was done with it, the

to do som

t enough, the office still

on it. Deciding to make it scatter iridescence as much as she could she readied herself and then with quick shattering strikes into the cabinet she laughed as the glass flew all

at some glass pieces looked like rubies and grinning at her creation she picked up a partic

or. She stretched out her hand to the further corner that she could reach an

e will li

d a few more lines across the same l

bookshelf on the other corner and threw out most of the books making them flutter and clutter at her feet. Stamping over them s

the door to his office open and looking back she found

think that I would keep quiet after the stunts you pulled on me? You should know by now that I am not ‘nor

watch his veins bulge to the limit where he might just pop open one but to her disappointment that didn’t happen. Instead

ing her supp

he cr

. She couldn’t fathom such a reaction and what did he just say-

d that is what you say?” she asked, wondering

that you couldn’t trash my office, I don’t see why I should scold you. Besides I had this coming my way aft

alleged, “Don’t think that just because you have money you can do anything

reover I would never show off my money to get you to do something I don’t need those things. I lik

f her thoughts had been distorted because of her mother’s voic

of my favorites. Your destroying my image is a direct show of your hatred and defiance towards me. I can’t have you harming the employer, I can’t have you hurtin


blue eyes, “You can have anyone trampled below your feet, except for me. We work together or you stay a step below me, t

she submitted before but his aura. There was something strange about his aura, his

dress she anticipated his next move as she heard him say, “That being said I hope you are re

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