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Werewolf Zombie

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 20/02/2023


m nervous. The Hilltop castle is built above a tall mountain, the sheer height of the castle above the local area also protects the occupants of the castle from bombardment, being the highest hilltop shows we are the highest ranked, apart from our gods. The entire castle outside is of red bricks and red rooftops. The inside consists of gold, red, and red rubies. Our lands only hold three basic creatures, Werewolves, Vampires, and Humans. Since humans are the weakest, we decided to make sure they stay as far away from us as possible. Werewolves don’t hide but we did make it clear our lands from them. Walking in front of my father's office the smell of humans and Vampire is unmistakable. Turning to see my sister, she is as surprised as I am, the doors open and we both walk in. When our father sees my sister take steps inside he growls and slams the desk. “No women are allowed in here! OUT!” Our father shouts at her, she bows and leaves the room. Hearing the doors close behind me, my father takes his seat again, I breathe heavily to not show a single sign of hate, he can be many things but to me, he is a joke for a King, he is no father to me just a caretaker and whats even worse, he is the same to me. “Come, closer Prince, we have many things to discuss.” He says a bit loud. As I see in the room for a moment, I can see he is making the human, Gordon irritated, he is in charge of the human population, anything that has to do with humans he is their leader and the Vampire Orpheus is beyond done with this, clearly, even he is tired, and nothing has actually started. I take my walk to the nearest sofa, seeing as the big room has the desk with a chair where my father sits, there are four sofa chairs, Gordon i

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