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The Lycan Prince’s One True Mate

Chapter 2 Two.

Word Count: 1413    |    Released on: 21/02/2023

ter and this is whe

e with my backpack across my shoulders. I whisked behind her, allowing her to steal a kis

until she met Brad. Then it was Isla, Alyssa and Brad. A hand snatched my

ir to snatch it back from his hands. And he shared a chuck

and took a bite

t made my mum so i let him. He wasn't a terrible person, it was quite the contrary. He w

d that after so m

ver a dull moment with Brad and i'm pretty sure i could have loved him more if i was normal.

they ran and so there was no diagnosis and the only person that believed and

s fe

ng in the bathroom stall where i would eat and eventually throw up. I was a senior and it was supposed to be my last yea

ll what was real

ind words my mum would tell me was enough to convince me otherwise. "You're just special

smile across his face l

have been a freak but i

d to the table, folding my arms to return the gaze. "What is it?" I asked dryly and my mother found the seat in front

ed her head

round of tablets to add to my endless useless prescriptions. I found myself rolling m

Brad. There was a guitar whose strap had suddenly appeared across his

ked with genuine w

a sharp breath that fled my lips. "How is he?" I asked with has

't a terrible

hey decided that Alyssa kept me while he moved away to pursue a sheriff career in Michigan where he gr

weather was always gloomy and dark. I had come to fall in love with the aesthetics

me especially as Brad decided to sit right next to her. Al

the nightmares we

antly withdrew from her

le to protect you but seeing you so shaken up every night and afraid, i feel like i'm failing at the one t

with him for some time, Isla" Alyssa's words forced my eyes to open and i looked to Brad. "Was this hi

enjoy whatever tour he has planned? Are you ch

ater. Alyssa cupped her chin into her hands and i pushed a hard lump down my throat. "Are you

" My m

nd she told us about the bullying. She told us about your failed grades, Isla. You moving to Michigan was a conscious decision that i made with your father

hought even though i knew it wasn't much of a choice. I could also understand from their own

n with Tom in Michigan could actually help me. I'

d nor Brad's eccentric guitar and private concerts, i really was willing to

I nodded with a gr

t to be for a session, after which i would decide whether or not i wanted to come back. The day we were to leave fina

this new

t i sat in that backseat with the last of my lug


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