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The Lycan Prince’s One True Mate

Chapter 5 Five.

Word Count: 908    |    Released on: 21/02/2023


ree in the neighbor's compound and a portion of it crashed to the gro


meaningless yet haunting nightmares. It was something that sort of calmed

another dart but when i was just about to a

reath leave my lips. My eyes gazed to the skies as i turned around. It was my first mor

, filled with flowers and refreshing winds, pollen and orange-red skies.

he wasn't alone. There was a middle aged man with a hair full a grey r

from us. "She took your face eh" Gregory noted with an innocent smile and my father just r

My fathe

d seen that person watching me from the windows. "Do you live alone?" I asked Gregory and

t to distinguish between the both. "It's just that..." I stuttered. "It's just that yesterday

ry la

oked to Tom who scoffed and i arc

realize he was probably behind me. "Speak of the devil himself" Tom gritted t

ed, lifting my eye

from a distance. "She said you were lurking from your windowsill yesterday" Gregory,

s prob

d his dad. "I am, Isla" Somehow, i was just replying his question of a few seconds ago. Yesterday i was sp

n twenty which was just a

blue eyes too. He wore a checkered jacket that clasped around his broad shoulders and biceps

e time that he was staring at

palms. "I think you dropped this earlier" He said and i embarrassingly reached for it, slip

orrow" Gregory suggested and he threw a narrow look back at him. I couldn't tell if he

tic but for whatever reason, he agreed. "He doesn't go to Aces but i figured you might need a familiar face to show yo

He was literally

e type of the person who seemed like someone you always knew. Like

en our eyes met, he flashed a smirk that

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