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Melted by the billionaire boss

Chapter 7 Arresting the don

Word Count: 2070    |    Released on: 21/02/2023

" " Alright" Ana said. " Now please smile" Justin said giving her a reassuring smile. " Yes" Ana said and gave him a light smile. ************************************************ FEW DA

in. " Justin, Justin, is that you?" Ana called from her cell. " Ana?" Justin ran to her cell. " How'd you end up here?" He asked. " It was Alex. I got into a fight with him and then hit him so he threw me in the lockup" Ana explained. " I'm here now alright? Don't worry. I'll handle it" he said and went back to the officer. " Listen, I'm a high ranking official of the martinis. If you don't release her now then......" He said showing them his I.D CARD. " Oh yes. Release her"' the officer said and they unlocked Ana's cell. " Thanks" Ana said to Justin " Madam, please sign here" a female officer told Ana. " Yes" Ana said and signed. " Let's go" Justin said. " Go where?" Ana asked. " Where else? Alexander Hamilton" Justin said and left. " What is this guy planning?" Ana asked herself. It won't be good........... " jus.... Justin, hold on" Ana called a furious Justin causing him to halt. " What?" He asked without turning to look at her. " Please. What are you planning to do? At least tell me" Ana begged. " Listen, there's no need to know. You'll see when we get there" Justin said and got into the car. " Are you coming?" He asked. " Yes...... I'm coming" Ana said. She quickly got into the car scared. " Come on driver, let's go" Justin said and the driver started the car. All through the ride to Alex's house, Ana could not help but feel scared. " What is Justin planning?" Ana asked herself. " What will Alex do to me after Justin is done with him? I'm scared". " Driver, speed up" Justin told the driver with fury in his eyes. " I'm sorry sir, but here in country G we have a speed limit and I can't go past that speed" the driver said. " Stop the car!!" Justin ordered. " But sir we're not there yet and....." " I said stop the car" Justin ordered. " But Justin....." Ana was interrupted by Justin. " Stop the car or I'll seize your license" Justin threatened the driver and the driver stopped the car. " Get out!!" Justin ordered as he got out of the passengers seat. " But Justin you......" " Ana, shut up!!" Justin said. He pulled the driver out of the car and threw some money at him. " Take that and go home" Justin said. " Thank you sir" the driver said and left. " But Justin, you ......." Justin started the car at maximum speed limit. " Aaaaaaaaaaaaah" Ana screamed as she swung from left to right in the car. " Use your seatbelt, that's what it's for" Justin said not reducing the speed limit. " Yes" Ana stuttered, she quickly put on her seatbelt and sighed of relief. She looked at the mirror in the car and saw that her hair was now a mess. " Oh geez" " We're here" Justin said and the car came to a halt. " We .......we are here?" Ana stuttered. She was definitely scared of getting back into the house. Justin got out of the driver's seat and opened the door for Ana. " Justin, I don't think it'll be a good idea for me to come with you" Ana said trying to avoid going into the house. " Ana, don't be scared. I'm here for you" Justin said and extended his hand. Ana sighed before taking his hands and coming out of the car. " It'll be alright, say it" Justin said as they walked into the house. " It'll be alright, it'll be alright, it'll be alright" Ana chanted as they walked into the house. " Sonya!!" Alex yelled. " Sir!!" Sonya replied as she came down. " Can you tell me why you did what you did?" Alex asked furio

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