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Wolfdom Prophecy

Chapter 5 Wolf 5

Word Count: 1065    |    Released on: 22/02/2023

ack Omega hall. I looked for Alphy, but only hi

there. It seems a stream of beautiful douches came in, we were fift

ve already loved it, douche. He averted his gaze, preferring to turn his attention to t

three, he really didn't want to select a partner related to Alphy. He didn't want the day to come when

rs are always looking at

r if there is

ck Brothers are staring at y

l Alphas will be hanging out tomo

" My

ome, and I hope they vote fo

he girl became his classmate and protector f

m!" Ruby sn

cause it's pos

her, who was the grumpiest of them all. He can hide from them that he is the

y knew him, especially as their friendship with his sister Levi grew stro

eir future slave for four to five years!" Aura's announcement. This leads the slavers. It's illegal in the

dible. They treated Douches as the lowest ranked wolves in the wolfdoms. And she felt bad for her, if she i

'll let Guitar eat first, if she doesn't die,

voice, she might h

raid of her, she's just a leader who wanted to get promoted.

to give me their head," Duncan said lazily. I would like to hang her head and take a

ecious gift on your birthday." I answered her. Me, she was just laughing, but

lphy as justice for my

e great!" I a

, even though they constantly

r them the Douche is the lowest kind of wolf. Though they can lead n

well tonight.

tcome of tomorrow's tender." Ruby

you, he will not forget whom he bid." It means what it says here. He will give him

saying, and I'm curious to see his face."

repare yourself for tomorr

omorrow will be our first day

n good hands in the next five years." I

urk's bloodied mouth t

it to see him cried

nother day to fight and move on to

snoring like a tiger? Can you please l

o tired that is why she is snoring like a tiger!

ngest night of my li

is daytime." Telly yaw

the first time that she will be going to kill someone. And she knew that he deserves that kind of death. She will kill him over an

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