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Blindly Mated to Badboy Alpha.

Chapter 4 they trapped her!

Word Count: 987    |    Released on: 24/02/2023

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of me. I totally understood the confusion that she had felt. But I was serious and sincere to her.

s was so strong and her affection and smile

e eyes surrounding us. She was adorable and sweet, and when I k

d to appear. I tried to be sane, but

way. But I thought she’s like the other ‘just another whore’ and I hated all of them. Even though

a lot since our first clash. I wanted to go to

fe. I have never felt like that ever. Always enjoyed my life without love. But that

could get out of her house or even stand in her window; I

n front of her house, but I heard her cr

ouldn’t bear any more. I wanted her to be mine,

t was like a slap to my ego and my heart at the same time. Yes, when our lips touched,

like her— But I was profoundly

bother me at all. Actually, after talking openly with her in the lunch break and seein

he stopped by the hallway and asked me to go to my

she was too stubborn and confident, an

but even so, she was embarrasse

I returned back and leaned ag

That wasn’t loud. But it hit my ears! And that

rl's beating bell and kicking her in her

s and slapped their own

scrolled down on her cheeks. She was sobbing and pleading to ask me

anding some of my best friends to come over, “tak

n begged me, “what are y

between my arms until we had reached the football stadium. I plac

ed—. But

n fifty laps while saying sorry loudly to Bella. If you skipped a lap w

my luna. But I admit that didn’t satisfy me much.

ispered softly, “please, Noah. Could you stop that tortu

ou. But I will do what you want. I will forgive them ju

, she pecked my lips softly and warmly and smil

nto my fucking life and coloring my blackness into yellow and purple. I di

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