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Evil is Born

Evil is Born

Author: pere10

Chapter 1 Baby zalak (gods of rain)

Word Count: 405    |    Released on: 27/02/2023

season Zalak was born in a harsh raining season... which was the people's period of harvest and a period of the people, storing an saving their

gods of fertility), this was a natural phenomenal believe that was passed through generation to gener

hot an unhealthy for both plants an animal. an in their period of harvest their crops starts dieing.their animals were not productive but but as day passes bye , animal and plant starts dying. this prompts the people to consult their o.but before then the crops were all dead to the ground. After many day of consulting the great gods falas, the rain fell an wash away all the crops making the farm land a barren field..then the gods falas spoke to the people through his priest, saying "a child Is born to us throug

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