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Chapter 3 Jane Doe

Word Count: 1874    |    Released on: 28/02/2023


e she heard one of the staff said her parents are so rich, like super r

a" she sobbed"And did you refused? No! You came running here like a bitch, but wherever you go I will always follow you, till you are here with me" he said in a voice she has never heard him talk with. She raised her head up and asked in a weak voice"Where? Where can I be with you?" She asked swallowing hard and trying to control her sobs"The other side" he said and a mischievous smile lit up on his face, and just like he has come, he vanished into thin air."Wait!" she shouted at the air, but he was gone, like he will always be. The air turned cold all around her and she burst into again into tears."So, how did it go?" Jamal asked as they sat in the cafeteria"Not bad""Not bad? Dude, I slept late because I have to help convince the watch man you were having the first Wistonville midnight class, and you said we had talk this morning, now all I get is 'Not bad?" he stared angrily at Finn"What do you want me to say?" Finn asked looking lost and threw his hand in the air"I don't know? Tell me everything!""We listened to music from a Jukebox and danced""Wait, that it?" Jamal frown his brow at him"Is there supposed to be something more?" he cocked a brow"God, you are total waste of a beautiful face and influence" Jamal groaned, banging his hand on the table"Jamal, leave him alone!" Misha snapped at him"He had an advantage, he wasted it" he picked his head off the table and looked at Misha, while pointing at Finn"An advantage?" She looked at him angrilyHe looked at her and groaned "You know what I meant""Better" she said icily"Why are you being cold to me these days?" he leaned over on the table, resting his chin in his hand as he placed his elbows on the table"Jamal, look" she raised her hand and formed it into an O "This is the number of shit I give about you right now, get it?""That a pretty big zero, I assume" Finn looked at Misha's hand"Shut up" he growled at Finn"Shutting up" he moved away from JamalThey saw Babatunde as he came into the Cafeteria, he waved at them before he got to them, and they waved at him back. He came to the table; he sat down, he was looking at Finn."What?" Finn gave him a questioning look"Looks like yesterday night went so well for you" he was grinning now"Is there something you know, that I didn't know?" Jamal moved closer to Babatunde"He didn't tell you?""What?" they all chorused, even Finn"Are you honestly trying to break the first rule of law?" Jamal asked"I am not lying" he defended himself"I was walking from class when I heard someone said something about the A.V lab disturbance. I went there myself, and the place was quite in a mess""You think I did it""Well, I only assumed that it might have been when things were getting.... You know....?" Babatunde swallowed, lacing his fingers into each other"You sneaky bastard" Jamal shouted laughing and grabbing Finn by the shoulders before squeezing"Guys, we didn't do anything yesterday" Finn defend himself"Then why is the lab in a mess?" Jamal asked"And how am I supposed to know that!? He almost yelled at JamalThey all sat staring at each other. They weren't many students in the cafeteria so he wasn't bothered about creating a scene. Finn felt as if he was sitting at a panel of judges."Something is definitely going wrong" Babatunde said and sighed"What do you mea

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