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Taming The Cursed Alpha Prince: The Charm of the Werewolf Star

Taming The Cursed Alpha Prince: The Charm of the Werewolf Star


Chapter 1 The Superstar

Word Count: 2000    |    Released on: 03/03/2023


oking at a small piece of paper. Her mouth per

me, urge me to go and accept my award as I was still dumbfounded by the whole announcement. Still a bit shocked, I worked my way to the stage. Everything felt so surreal when a lot of celebrities I didn’t know personally congratulated me as I pass them by. It was my fi

ophones which looked quite heavy but to my surprise, they weren’t that heavy at all. It was then she guided me towards the mic to receive my speech. I was a bit overwh

what I had to say. This is what I have been waiting for m

my tears but still kept smiling throughout my speech “ if it weren’t for my parents, friends, and also my wonderful producer. I wouldn’t be standing here with two awards on my hand. And most especially my fan

th the trophies in my hand. I peeped inside the restroom to check whether there was anyone inside, but a


received. I still felt incomplete. I still felt that something is missing and I’m afraid that I couldn’t fill that piece of myself because I never knew who I was. I am a fraud who know

ut that dream was the only thing that felt l

cks 2 ye

lf laying on the floor i

han the others I’d been on. Everything seems to shine and sparkle. Starting from the trees, plants, insects, and even the mud. Confused as t

anking them non-stop so it was just time for them to hit me back but would they put this much effort into a prank? “

rfly who was flying so effortlessly was going in my direction and lande

ddenly hear a soothing voice whispering nex

ancing in the wind. “I swear I heard someone” A bit puzzled as to what was going on, I started to fee

as certain that the sound came from a vicious animal. After a couple of minutes, the sound stopped. Everything went silent but to

was on my mind right now was to escape this place as soon as possible. As I step my foot unto the ground, preparing to run. My head started to spin causing me to fall over mid-run. I

r and heard thousand of footsteps coming my way. Panic ran into my veins, trying every p

air circulating my body. My body grew cold but my will to live was still there. As a last retort, I pus

eyed wolf. A pack of them was circulating me acting like a barrier preven

with its mouth but with its hand. The wolf who was just in front of me transformed into a man. His body was covered with marks of battle but despite the scars, his toned body was sti

eaving our bodies no space to spare. He started to squeeze my neck while kissing it leaving love

ng my neck. His rough hands traveled my body to my chest and s

as an invitation, he then lick my nipples continuously while my clothes were still on. I bit my li

en my legs, the man’s fingers touched my now wet clit and were playing with it. T

grinding on my leg as if it wanted to escape, I was a bit afraid of raging boner and was a bit embarrassed that part of me wanted to pu

was completely naked, He looked at every inch of my body with lust, Wanting to devour every part of me.

moved gently back and forth as if preparing me for what was to come. I can’t help but fee

my opening. His manhood then glided into my hole, making me bite my lips as he deepens h

for me and I couldn’t help but feel scared by all of this but every moment was me wanting more of it. The man arched my bac

asure become intense, I rolled my eyes

the night. My mind was still distraught and my

ppened, I hurriedly hugged her. Begging for her

ing me that no one could hurt me no more. I started to sob with the d

t that dream was ju

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1 Chapter 1 The Superstar2 Chapter 2 What's Going On3 Chapter 3 Beginning4 Chapter 4 Not the Reality 5 Chapter 5 Touch Me Not 6 Chapter 6 Welcome to our Kingdom7 Chapter 7 The Portal8 Chapter 8 Rest9 Chapter 9 Wanna Taste You10 Chapter 10 Run11 Chapter 11 Dashed12 Chapter 12 Declined 13 Chapter 13 Dinner14 Chapter 14 Memories of the Past15 Chapter 15 Flustered16 Chapter 16 Mesmerized17 Chapter 17 Bright Colors18 Chapter 18 The Love of Her Life19 Chapter 19 And So 20 Chapter 20 Let's Keep it a Secret 21 Chapter 21 Not Quite22 Chapter 22 Not Allowed23 Chapter 23 The King 24 Chapter 24 Strong25 Chapter 25 No, Cannot Be26 Chapter 26 Like Me or Not27 Chapter 27 Time to Shine28 Chapter 28 Not Related29 Chapter 29 Shine, Shine30 Chapter 30 Retreat31 Chapter 31 Celebrate 32 Chapter 32 Falling33 Chapter 33 More than that34 Chapter 34 Sacrifice 35 Chapter 35 Extraordinary 36 Chapter 36 Puzzled37 Chapter 37 Unbothered38 Chapter 38 Vengeance39 Chapter 39 Royal Garden 40 Chapter 40 Prophesized 41 Chapter 41 Betrayed42 Chapter 42 Saddened43 Chapter 43 The Kindest44 Chapter 44 Celebration of Life45 Chapter 45 Hush46 Chapter 46 Scarred Face47 Chapter 47 First Time48 Chapter 48 Admired49 Chapter 49 Ouch!50 Chapter 50 Successful51 Chapter 51 Calm 52 Chapter 52 Three is Beter53 Chapter 53 Siblings54 Chapter 54 Traitor55 Chapter 55 I Won't Forgive56 Chapter 56 Bookmarked57 Chapter 57 Hey!58 Chapter 58 Wonderful 59 Chapter 59 See you!60 Chapter 60 More than what the eyes met61 Chapter 61 Bonded62 Chapter 62 The Fall 63 Chapter 63 The Price to Pay64 Chapter 64 Grand Finale