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Friend Zoned

Chapter 7Ā : Violet

Word Count: 1603 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 22/03/2023

mayo, heavy on the lettuce, one thick slice of tomato, and bread lightly toasted-just the way he likes it. He must have worked up an appetite fixing the leaky pipe. He

ks tired. Maybe even a little pale. He's nowhere near as animated as usual.

up. Other than that, I'm right as rain." He takes a small bite of his sandwich before chewing it m

ing it into my mouth and nodding. "Eve

submitting applications

ircuit court judge for another fifteen. I think he's proud that I've

cit, I say offhandedly, "No, I think three schools are

I know he'd like me to look further away, but the idea of being m

taking care of ourselves. We think it's important for you to branch out and experience life somewhere else. Maybe look at UCLA or Berkeley. How about Columbia in New York? This is a wonderful chance for you

I would end

ell how short life can be. So, it's highly doubtful I'll regret not moving further away at this point. I have my ent

ime we've had this conversation. And, because my grandfather is stubborn and only wants what's bes

out Sam, he totally gets me. He understands why I make the choices that I do, an

nally say. "Why do I need to live somew

s one he's not going to win. Instead, he turns his attention to Sam and asks, "And what about you, Samuel? What schools did

rl upward as my grandfath

e guzzling down half his glass of water. "I threw in an application

nods. "All excellent schools. I w

ide if it's worth

taking it. The guy is so damn smart, it's almost sickening. That being said, I couldn't be prouder of him. Sam was the valedicto

ard my goals instead of cramming or waiting until the last minute. And I definitely can't have Sam sitting next to me in every class, even though that's how we could have ar

deep blue gaze loc

ter than middle of the road. "If anyone should be retaking the entrance exam, it's me. I don't even know why you're applying at Barnett. You could get accepted at Harvard Law, if you wanted." I'm not kidding about that eithe

er been one to brag about himself, his family, or his achievements.

I ge

ortant for him to keep a low profile and not do anything that will garner bad press. He doesn't go to parties or bars and get shitfaced or out of control

d of pressure heaped on them at such a young age-the stress to conduct himself

m, don't realize he's related to the state sen

want to go yet. My dad attended Columbia." He fla

randfather says, "as long as th

about how different everything will be when Sam heads off in one direction and I go in another. We've be

dness shooting through me. We've been at each other's side for the last eight years. I suppo

nside my head. Needing to shake off the sudden melancholy, the corners of

ts." With that, Sam rises to his feet. For someone so

here on a Sunday afternoon to fix the toilet. I'm

s a quick kiss on my grandmother's cheek. "It wasn

f I hang out here

g no less. "Nope, I won't be long

mily, I'd rather spend more

hing else, he g

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