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Reincarnated As A Dragon

Chapter 4 Little elf girl

Word Count: 1950    |    Released on: 08/03/2023

ming from a distance not too far from me. I finished chomping

d closer for a better look, and completely forgot that I’m a huge dragon. Because of that, my horns got stuck at t

stalactites looking for its prey. I am somehow

ripped apart from the earlier people, but luckily I managed to come at a right time. The woman was trembl

scaly nape, inadvertently flinched when my echo

ing, took out a caramel bread and a bottle of mineral water—which I bought earlier because of how sticky my hands got after consuming the sweet melon bread—and put it beside her. In my surprise, the bread looks like the Ultimate

t sure if she understood, but after leaving the water and the brea


o finish the remaining bread

glasses’, because even glass cost you something to buy. Because of that, I was standing in front of the biggest magic stone that I can find, one the size of my hand. I’ve never learned anything about magic stones back in the web novel, because well, you know that ‘The Evil Villainess Is My Lover’ i

goes n


ct a magic stone, but with a single pull from me, t

the stone that was gleaming on my han

opened the MERCHANT menu and put the stone insid


ucked a breath and felt my head dizzy, before I deci

window p




hing (Mainly we

Mangreatle cave in

70 silver c

ome: 140

attled. Did I just pick up an S-class item o

P for me? I can see myself becoming filthy rich if I continued on selling thing

e accomplished if I wer

unconsciously made the surroundin

und to see the girl which I saved earlier trembled as her eyes locked

, when she was already so scared, I think she could die if I were to scare

deep breath and exhaled, patting her chest as she muttered s

e, before she constructed another sentence, “My name is… Elfina.” She paused again. “Nice to meet you-” She stammered an

perhaps, bit

make sure she didn’t accidentally bit her tongue again. She s

ad down. “U-Uhm! Thank you for saving me.

feel. Well, we’re strangers and I’m a huge ass dragon,

ed at me. “…H-Hu

might need to be careful of what I speak in the future just to ma

disperse the thought of skewered flesh. To make sure I seemed smaller and more vulnerable, I sat down and crouched my back befo

courage when she scooted even closer as she said, “It started when

er also said something about Rustaval. But wait, isn’t that the k


cave located

na n

m near Edith, doesn’t that mean I’ll be able to meet all my favorite c

gdom of Rustaval before, the only name I’ve heard th

y jaw d

of the characters of the novel originated from, the cold-

choed through the entirety of the cavern,

haracter’s family. But Elfina was supposed to be dead from ‘accident’, and her death became one of the trigger why the orphan

ongratulate myself for my success of summar

yself stopped when Elfina ginge

but with my stats—which I am obliged to not talk about d

Again, she shot me a look of awe, before

re already a rare being in this world—stated in the novel as only 200 l


l me that

ust want to normally stan my favorite characters. G

ncy managed to cause an amnesia inside Elfina’s brain, when

o that at home

rom this cave? I’m having some

yes peeked at my face about two dozen meters above her h

her doubt, with dragons being feared throughout the whole world, but I’m being honest when I said I want out. I tell you I’m sick of seeing the same ambience all ove

After several minutes, she exhaled b



t her courage of trying to negotiate with a dragon like me. Not hat I care though, I’m just a university girl at heart—who

guide. Although this cave caused me to resent so much,

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1 Chapter 1 A normal fan in a normal day2 Chapter 2 Travel to another world3 Chapter 3 A lizard4 Chapter 4 Little elf girl5 Chapter 5 Drop off6 Chapter 6 The accident7 Chapter 7 You are what you eat. Wait.8 Chapter 8 The beginning of travel9 Chapter 9 Flight to Rustaval10 Chapter 10 Welcome to the kingdom of elves, Rustaval!11 Chapter 11 Mythic rank out of nowhere12 Chapter 12 Basics of being a dragon13 Chapter 13 To be or not to be. The topic: Dragons14 Chapter 14 The peak of morphing skill15 Chapter 15 Introducing the elf king of Rustaval, Kuzan16 Chapter 16 The unseen menace17 Chapter 17 The fearful pixie18 Chapter 18 Private meeting with the king plus the assassins19 Chapter 19 The kingdom against us20 Chapter 20 The greedy old crook21 Chapter 21 A cold delicacy in autumn and golem22 Chapter 22 Astra organization23 Chapter 23 How to destroy a big organization the dragon style24 Chapter 24 The conclusion25 Chapter 25 ...Or not26 Chapter 26 The filling to the hole27 Chapter 27 A mountain behemoth28 Chapter 28 At least there were choices29 Chapter 29 Shell30 Chapter 30 Puzzle pieces31 Chapter 31 Life lessons from someone old enough to be your great ancestor32 Chapter 32 A little rest from turbulence33 Chapter 33 Grilled eels and gratefulness34 Chapter 34 The moment of clarity for the dragon35 Chapter 35 The Villainess is My Lover36 Chapter 36 Main Character Get!37 Chapter 37 The Clear Difference38 Chapter 38 I'm not the only one, right 39 Chapter 39 Carter40 Chapter 40 Complicated Interactions41 Chapter 41 Goblins. Ugh.42 Chapter 42 Repeat after me: Flick and Spank43 Chapter 43 A battle begun