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For The Stars Have Sinned

Chapter 5 Back at Campus

Word Count: 1698    |    Released on: 09/03/2023


a that there's no need but he didn't listen. I sno

the window. The sorrounding's still dark and the wind's chilly

g the one in the ba

before looking back outside th

rting. "I've noticed these past few days that you don't bri

es squinted. "Don't worr

, the car passed the crime scene. I saw the yellow cro

m's body was missing. Well, the authorities didn't find any evidence, and they didn't find the body of the victim even thou

nd El Grande Lat's also on Arbor. That me

. I thought maybe the two people who testifie

And almost everyone knew that the words of a drunk were not to be trusted. I shut my eyes tight

od thing's the traffic

to other municipalities. Fortunately, Gerard brought a big car, so it's not too dangerous to run side by side

red through drive thru because it was almost six o'clock. We still have to pa

ve breakfast first in El Grande next

ore I saw you come down the

"Are you


m with eyes wide open

tically at Gerard. But that man's too insensitive when he even managed to

ady many students inside the campus and I saw the three-st

or boyfriends. I'm not like the oth

s and stood in the path of the two. They stopped and looked at me. Th

and raised a brow too. "I see an i

orting, I grinned. "Talking about good girls." I smirked at them. "At least I

read but couldn't because they're too shy to let everyone kn

, annoyed. "Do we look like we care, Larica? And..." She looked at me from head to toe. "You look pathetic in that cardigan and h

ay? Besides, this is Levi's taste when it comes to girl's fashion. It's my thing too. I


and stopped in front of me with a wide smile. "H

Tiden and June, and of course one of Vine's die hard fans. Well, when it comes to collecting me

passed him by. I heard him complain but I continued towards the main building. It's

half before the first

t the paper bag that contained the four books that I wrapped in the gift

"What? Are you going to loo

but since becoming members of the band, I can no

even if I know where to find the


away. I heard his complain again saying tha

ell them I a

enerica happily talking on the bench near the Education lockers. They hold milkshakes in their left hands

o the canteen alone. It's nothing new to

in the head. My brain's already drained from the first subject, dried up with all the questions. I really want t

tion and analytical skills. Or, let's just include critical thinking. Why? Is it a sin t

l is currently ringing --- a signal that the examination test is over for the day.

my ordeal will be over

ople. Looking forward, I saw Prof Gina standing behind the profes

essor!" I quickly took the shoulde

hallway where the lockers were. I opened mine and took the pap

e following me with their confused gazes and from time to time, they would whisper to their com

I remembered his nosy attitude earlier. So I told him not to pick me up bec

resting on the headrest of the seat. I woke up at the South Bus Terminal. I im

most all the passing jeepneys were full, no vacancy not even one. So

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1 Chapter 1 Victimless Crime2 Chapter 2 Underwater3 Chapter 3 Sunset at Dock4 Chapter 4 Unwanted Guest5 Chapter 5 Back at Campus6 Chapter 6 Something's New7 Chapter 7 Meet Them8 Chapter 8 Along the road9 Chapter 9 Challenge10 Chapter 10 Knowing him11 Chapter 11 Alone with Levi12 Chapter 12 Practice13 Chapter 13 His Affection14 Chapter 14 Inside the cottage15 Chapter 15 Kiss under the sea16 Chapter 16 Becoming his partner17 Chapter 17 Through the night18 Chapter 18 Scandalous fan19 Chapter 19 The woman around him20 Chapter 20 Confused feelings21 Chapter 21 Messy night with him22 Chapter 22 Another victim23 Chapter 23 Small world24 Chapter 24 Stop courting25 Chapter 25 Wrong call26 Chapter 26 Discovered27 Chapter 27 One night near the paddy field28 Chapter 28 At the hospital29 Chapter 29 His care30 Chapter 30 Tending wounds31 Chapter 31 Guy on the plane32 Chapter 32 Resort33 Chapter 33 The chase34 Chapter 34 Inside the court35 Chapter 35 The letter36 Chapter 36 His invitation37 Chapter 37 Rip off38 Chapter 38 Picnic under the stars39 Chapter 39 After that night40 Chapter 40 Forgotten41 Chapter 41 Dressing room42 Chapter 42 Performance43 Chapter 43 Drink it44 Chapter 44 Signing contract45 Chapter 45 Meeting her parents46 Chapter 46 Weird man47 Chapter 47 Rei48 Chapter 48 Good girl49 Chapter 49 The debt should be paid50 Chapter 50 Feeling dirty51 Chapter 51 Shameless couple52 Chapter 52 Secret relationship53 Chapter 53 Drunk Tiden confessed54 Chapter 54 The past55 Chapter 55 Witness56 Chapter 56 Possessive Levi57 Chapter 57 Pregnant after that drunken nig58 Chapter 58 Escaped with Lyndon59 Chapter 59 After five years60 Chapter 60 Admit it61 Chapter 61 Jerk62 Chapter 62 Do you like my gift 63 Chapter 63 Finale