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Entangled With The Vicious Billionaire

Entangled With The Vicious Billionaire


Chapter 1 The Clash

Word Count: 1208    |    Released on: 11/03/2023


t and came to a halt, I did not spare the slightest chance to jump out of

y! You get

her alight from the car and

as in the house and as I walked into the living room, my younger sister; Laura was sprawled carelessly across one of the old cush

doors for the rest of the day to save myself from mother's troubles. But I was unlucky this time and my mother caught

her, fed up with

e." She gave me a hard stern look that warned

d you do

e same issue we were battling with in the car while we drove

aser eyes that could shoot a bullet right through your heart. "How could you be so unthoughtful

ays my mother's business. She had always been one to interfere in my private life

learly angered her even more. Her face reddened with ra

wing that the rest of my friends' daughters were in a relations

al, mom. It is not a big deal. You're just bein

like your father. You are both self centred individu

my mother had made of me and my father. It irked me that she could go as f

tone came off as a warning that caught her off

e around the room restlessly, her fingers diving

e miserable women, don't you?" You want them to think we

, Laura's voice came in a reply. "Mom's right,

ned our attention t

cher, younger woman and Pollen has never been in a relationship her entire life." She chuckled and shoved another Doritos into her mouth as i

to scold her but my mother jumped into her defence like she al

ou know she is right. All you have always done is be a disappointme

ura was the better one, why did you have to drag me along with you to the sorority instead of your perfect daughter?" I screamed back at her, feeling tired and frustrated already. I was al

mother folded her arms across her bosom and eyed me terribly. "On your part, all you've ever done is get r

tired of having this everyday argument with my mother. What I needed right no

n with you." I brushed past her and headed for my bed

nd stop embarrassing me in front of my friends. You know what I'm going to do? I am g

argaret and get her to fix me a blind date? How ridiculous. I knew my mother was one hell of a dramatic woman

be insane

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