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All it took was one look

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1782    |    Released on: 12/03/2023


was walking up to random people and started talking as if she was making a drug sell. I could see the awkward faces of the

our tots," I asked him. He

popping the rest of

ots! Then his eyebrows

ur own," he sai

e some of your t

e whined. "But seriously dude if you event think about touching my

dded as she smothered his tots in ketchup. I wrinkled my nose and

muttered returning my gaze to Jeanine.

e poor girl's face. After putting my tray on top of the trash can, I went and grabbed J's arm, dr

" She screamed, catching everyone's attention. I sighed heavily and f

hook his head and focus

o join clubs," I scolded as I shook my head at

al mature," I said , throwing a napk

bing the napkin and threw it back. "And don't be throwing things in my face jackass!" She said with

t went flying to the floor with a splat, ketchup smeared all over the floor. Silently, I handed her the napkin we were throwing ear

hsu eyes at her dangerously. I scoot

hesitantly but

flying over. I dodged a disgusting ketchup drenched tater as it was heading straight towards my face, whizzing right past my head. I was still walking backwards watching their food fight expa


t of me and looked up nearly having heart attack. There, standing in front of me was the boy who has been in my head all the time lately. Liam. My eyes w

hyly, I couldn't look him in

his brows were furrowed. Oh God, he hated me. I was such an idiot. Why was I getting exc

s. She was gorgeous! I looked down at their entwined hands and felt my heart stop at the sight. My gaze dr

me bumping me i

as he left me there staring after him in shock


urn as I quickly grabbed my bag off

friend. I was

a hundred times. He hated me and had a girlfriend. I mean who would be holding hands like that if they were beginning to burn. Ugh! Why was I acting like a girl? Without warning, I shot up from my seat and left


lowing it up. No one was at home and that's just what I needed. I needed time to think about why

me, turning my head, I saw it

t on the bed. I shook my head and turned it the opposite way.

asked dully hoping he understoo

orr. So what's up? You neve


e said, app

t now ok," I

know that." I shook my head and flipped over so I was

it?" He ask

talk about it," I told him, th

tly. So he was uncomfortable, maybe if I

ising me. I lifted my head from out of

at, just tell me what hap


I turned on my s

I don't know what to do," I told him. I watched him as he frowned in thought.


act like that? Did you tell him that

t in his face; he h

you haven't told him his you feel


," he

an an arrow," I whined. I could never be with him. "AND he has a gorgeous girlfriend!" I told hi

y?" I whispered I wasn't even su

ing to have more challenging time choosing someone to love you back as much as you do them." He said gazi

t? Dad I'm not n

is family isn't even close to normal so don't even try and

hanks dad," I said to him giving him a small sm

tanding up and walking towards the d

crooked line." And with that, he left. I

the door, leave it to m

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