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Author: Isabella E

Chapter 1 The scandal

Word Count: 1294    |    Released on: 14/03/2023




I was expecting at least a warm hug from my parents

ce and rushed over to me waving her phone in

his!" She was as

own,my voice thick with sarcasm as I pushed my suit

id again with a tone of urgency as s

ad it never been

my eyes at the screen after

e minute and I looked back

his. It seems to be a leaked

wards? Can't you see the comments?"

s it fell back to

through the comments

el Raven,a popular movie director.Although her face wasn't totally visible in the

Michael w

Olivia and that if she was caught,she would be severely dealt with. She c

we ge


ave sex with that ugl

e was rich and a movie

d like K

Who filmed it in the first

s Ch

d handed the phone over my mother,meetin

re," Mom huffed."But it


worst part

My brows were drawn togethe

gone this morning. It gets worse. She stole from

t wh

t.He was here earlier today and was in search of Olivia.He demanded a pay

and I didn't get mo

m." I put my hands on my forehead.

sat besides me,the moment

bodies to merge. "You don't seem to se

I rubbed on my eyes. I was jet lagged

ton Knight was her

CEO of Fashion Frenz

one," Mo

idn't really know him personally and up

bit. Apart from the fact that he was a

d get back t

lved with my sister th

e sure I

dating or

had a one night stand or somethi

tand with Ashton Knight!

always crazy,I expe

ised at the fact

k of my head."Since when

om defended. "She just

her."That is stealing for God's sake. And didn't you just

y,I guess you're right. But you know your sister,

take my sister's side e

at you could not tell us apart. Well except the fact that she now has a tattoo at the bac

ut I retained our original hair color.

n and I had always been in her shadow. Even when she

ld type. I on the other hand was s

shion designing . Yeah that was my life's goal. To

ing to stop unt

love and attention. Even when they denied loving Ol

all?" I asked after s

f her hand."He's out somewhe

ply. Yeah,tha

ith his life. He never held a job for long after that and then he just gave up trying and

ed him out on

tter when Olivia finall

l an upcoming actress and kept on getting little supporting roles


he made from acting. They were always demand

et for being the favorite

ts weren't c

lot. Especially o

stealing from the safe though. I

is a big mess," Mom whined,sn

I made

ntly."How are you going to pay Ashton

freaking doll

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1 Chapter 1 The scandal2 Chapter 2 The crazy idea3 Chapter 3 Time to act. 4 Chapter 4 I didn't have a choice! 5 Chapter 5 You would be my wife. 6 Chapter 6 What the hell Ashton! 7 Chapter 7 You chose a thief to be your wife 8 Chapter 8 You are so careless9 Chapter 9 Meeting my mom tonight 10 Chapter 10 You're really marrying her 11 Chapter 11 Nothing changes. 12 Chapter 12 On my way, Romeo13 Chapter 13 The witch, Scarlett14 Chapter 14 Running away from the wedding 15 Chapter 15 She can't marry Ashton! 16 Chapter 16 You're now Olivia Ashton Knight17 Chapter 17 I needed to be free18 Chapter 18 Can't you control yourself 19 Chapter 19 You're stuck with me20 Chapter 20 Are you crazy 21 Chapter 21 Seduce me in her sleep22 Chapter 22 Did he touch you 23 Chapter 23 Excuse me I'm the wife. 24 Chapter 24 Marking my territory25 Chapter 25 Olivia you got the part! 26 Chapter 26 In your face, Ashton 27 Chapter 27 Married a fuckboy28 Chapter 28 Take care of Ashton, Olivia29 Chapter 29 In His Room... 30 Chapter 30 You're not really Olivia, are you 31 Chapter 31 End of the facade32 Chapter 32 How could you forget 33 Chapter 33 Another scandal 34 Chapter 34 The mentally unstable ex 35 Chapter 35 You were her past. I am the future 36 Chapter 36 Warn him, Olivia 37 Chapter 37 Lucky to have me38 Chapter 38 Would you work for Fashion frenzy 39 Chapter 39 She's nothing but trouble 40 Chapter 40 She has cancer41 Chapter 41 Nothing special42 Chapter 42 Give it your best shot43 Chapter 43 Meeting Damian44 Chapter 44 My husband's rival45 Chapter 45 Reminding you who owns you46 Chapter 46 Where's your tattoo Olivia 47 Chapter 47 Don't touch me, Ashton48 Chapter 48 Do something, Ava49 Chapter 49 You mustn't hide anything from me 50 Chapter 50 Don't play dumb51 Chapter 51 You are choosing her over work 52 Chapter 52 I think we should break up53 Chapter 53 Talia's bonding plan54 Chapter 54 Brett again 55 Chapter 55 You have plans to kill us 56 Chapter 56 Thank God you aren't dead57 Chapter 57 We need a weapon! 58 Chapter 58 Strip, Olivia