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Tempted By The Playboy

Chapter 4 Tingle

Word Count: 2327    |    Released on: 16/03/2023

ill tingled, she needed to find Mr. Walte

lf-Damon won't even let her go.

…." She

ples deepened as he gave her his usual smiley smirk. S

him, she wanted to

, 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑎 𝑓𝑢𝑐

oned up all her stoicnes

hy you are doin

denied. "You should bother abo


know? The older version of me," he

re of a lit

Damon," he poke

e" Lucia was visibly

faded and suddenly he rubbed his head f

totally mad at all. He looked like he was having a migraine.

held one arm close as if protecting his chest. He also had fresh

lright?" s

" He said as he lif

asn't just talking about his physical condition. There was more to that quest

pushed the thought away. Chiding hers

s little boy! She knew he had a little boy. She had seen

mon? She ha

oudly. "That

he had t

e didn't really say that the lit

andsome man sitting


e asked faintly. "Y

d he shook his head affirm

ld hear the gabble

nse. I mean why would h

less. Wasting my life. He thinks I don't want to be a part of

that she wasn't to let her guard down. 'Don't

ing she was his

k in any moment from now, and take her

did not keep this job. She was sure that Mr. S . Walter called he

zines. He had praised h

have been



ed you to

she couldn't. She had an aw


d harshly. "So get your silly

do you

at it's not enough. He can't give you

about her au

said, "I

Damon scowl

I need th

than what he's offe

s tempting, re

shook her hea


ou mean by

ngers. "My reputa

e thunder

ore," she said clumsily. "You can't understand.

They stared at e

was beating

is to be reformed an

g that would happen to me, I

ook a careful breat

red of arguing and b

ou are staying

𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 à𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑠, 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 ℎ𝑒 𝑘𝑖𝑠s

kissed her. She had never been kissed before. Heavens! she had been engaged before. But when Damo

the kiss. And somewhere deep inside it

c spark before. She suddenly wante

on and personality,

deep brea

lost h

any tingle or spark from the opposite sex. Not

to this, and she didn't kn

t the touch of a man. Which was the reason he

ing up with you?" Wilfred had as


e love to you. I want to make you moan and gr

your clothes and not mine, when we aren't even marrie

up a little when I to

re a beautiful lady. It's not your f

of yours setting the house on f

? Nah!" H

he twenty-three years old lady he was dumping

ogether they could burn up the walls as they


made her think something was wrong with her. What do other gir

blue, she had felt a spark, something deep, str


glaring Damon as she came int

d as he watched her co

oy? Thirty-two years with those

ook he

he left him, scowling at her. While she went out to bring h

very intimidating as he sprawled on the floor. He stare

you?" He as

er head as s


you are twenty-five

em flush. The feeling of letting down

her luggage, made a disapprov

w if Damon felt the same thing. She looked him

a feeling of triumph. Hugging herself

him, he is j

king!" He su

st made Lu

ugh here," She said to

y that led away from the small

drooms are," She sai

ng. His dark and cold

, miss?" Thomas

ed to sound neutra

kisses, maybe some french kiss

you need a nanny," Lucia said. "

away down t

homas asked,

," Lucia said, ignoring the i

h room is

ith me," Damon s

" Mr. Thomas

to bother. She loves

oked on h

et the attention of the elders around," She said firmly. "I a

est, with a view of the garden below. She saw a ki

placed on his bed. It was royally painted


e its oc

e to share the bed, I won't sh

with Damon was tempting to the mind. She could imagine him naked

from this daydreaming. She could neve

and left

ffice and sofas. She could have stayed in this

eem desperate to him or her trust issues

droom far from the back of the ho

and looked out. She could view the lower houses dow


mas had dropped her cases

know that he isn't as

a said dryly as sh

been an asshole

"But tell me, Thomas. Do you know about t


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