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Summoning Kitten

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 832    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


s P

came in, and we got busy causing havoc of course. Right now we're in the kitchen

s not the strongest magic-wise, but she's my good friend, and she

I went toward the fridge and opened it, now I could see what we got in i

n up from me, but I found them! I gave my friends the good candy and walked on the counter and even gave

sk her offering her the bag, she

ce calling taking a really big gulp of the energy drink, w

s hiding the evidence of her eating a

this time, going down on his knee to be on the same eye level wit

addy!" she says real quick making

e asks her again while we watched

g?" the guy, Damon asks me, I nod my head yes,

Cici you're going with me," he says, leaving

and ran off calling to her mama out loud, poor Viki,

him he's in his throne room as he always is, a

nd I nod my head yes, I was trying my best to cause tro

me giggle, I think he thinks that my trouble is just me playin

t the stupid wolves, the ones that want my papa's heart, but papa can't give the

ation go?" he asks

your heart," Damon says looking

ing else?" he says, with a groan,

e you'll like this one either," Damon says, I don't

a asks but Damon kept on

it's just a demand, but they're only talkin

emands and not running to burn the hell off yet," papa says, he's right, I nod my head yes, they looked so hurt on the phone, th

don't make sense," Damon says, shaking his head,

ey want, it can't be

rd," Damon says, while papa

e to give them it," he says

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