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Mommy's Little Pup

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 976    |    Released on: 20/03/2023



rthday, it's my birthday today, my sixteenth birthday, it's the day I'll fi

papa walked into my room, holding a cake and singing for me, I tried to smile and pretend I jus

e out, they love me, they took good care of me, they made sure I

incess, blow your

make a wish, my wish was to have a good dom

is a special day, they won't be taking me to the c

helped me out of the bed, pushing me toward the bathroom to wash up as she picked up clothes for

e would want me, maybe then I can stay back at home, also the teacher said that the doms I'll meet are al

nvince myself of how strong I'm, my pep talk did work, I walked out of t

mom says, I nod happy that I won't have to wear some dress or tight cloth

letting me sit down and eat my cake, I only took a couple of bites befo

pa says, we're going to celebrate my birthday. I thought I'd be sent away right away,

ong with me to the classification centre, uncle Peter drov

y my name and sat us down waiting for our turn, soon my name was c

e can check you up," the doctor says maki

th tears going down my face, I was first checked up physically, I was in great hea

octor says, injecting me with some k

d then brought it back, happy, I was told I'm such a good girl, but then I felt younger than ever, I was picked up, and crad

e, papa was holding me from behind, I closed my eyes and cuddled closer to him, he used to cuddl

t for?" Papa wh

no cuddle me," I whi

ive you all the cuddles in the world," papa says, I po

you have been classified," the doctor says

m I?" I

starts, but I knew

le! I'm a little! That's cool, but

and a pet?"

tle with a little bit of pet in it, and I'm sure your future

him, this isn't

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