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Professional Family

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 783    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


issed all of her classes for the day, the school does

not that she has protection on, she knows most of the littles around the school

know," Callina assures the little girl, the school day is over, it's time to get

ing the grand idea of hiding inside

rs parking lots, and then we can get in my car and head over to our place

tudents to see her, but she's okay with the staff, they k

er car, the little one stayed hidden in Callina's neck the whole time, refusing to look up at anyone, thankfully

have seen way too many accidents when the littles are sitting all alone. They aren't allowed to drive, littles even in their big space are only allowe

ing the small girl in the seat, although she tried to fight and push her

art melt, the little girl had called her momm

," Callina says hoping the little gi

er. She decided to turn some music on to help calm her down, she had some little songs on, the little girl stopped crying, enjoying the song now, Callina smiled to herself knowing she finally managed

aying he'll be home soon. Matheo is a little doctor, it's a mix of pediatric and family medicine, he works in

ttle, or how anyone would want her. He knows some littles get worried at first about managing their two headspaces, but they get

ishes that Emily would agree to be their little always, so he could always come home to meet her, and his be

ssing his wife, lookin

big smile, the little have napped enough, now it's tim

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