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The Ending Without The Beginning

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1764    |    Released on: 20/03/2023


y mother. It's been a year since I last visited her.

grave, tears started t

take me, but I don't know how much I can push it back. Bella is trying to make me feel better, but I still haven't gotten used to not having you around and not being able to hug you. I miss you so much. I miss your voice. I don't know if I can take this life anymore. I try not to show

ho was standing behind a tree and was watching in my direction, but as soon as I completely turned around, I l

d have something for breakfast. I went into the bakery and ordered two co

left Bella a note saying that I was at work and that if she needed anything, she could call me. I put the note on the counter near the breakfast that I made for her and went to work. I decided not to take the car because it was a really beautiful sunny day and I wanted to wa

e I was working, so I took with me a donut and closed the shop. I put my hand in my pocket and took out the keys to his car. Since the last time I saw him, I have been keeping them with m

ame. I am going

as the bar got almost empty, I settled into my favorite spot and started to read a book so the time would pass by faster. As I was reading, a

like he was in his late fifties. He was tall and, at that age, I think he looked really good. His b

look comes to my face. No one orders this drink except for the boss because it i

as I sit back in my place

d I snap out of the reading and turn al

don't know why?'' I say this with a smi

He says it still, wit

o be honest, I was a little freaked out. I never have this kind of conversation with the clients.

stello,'' he responds in

old ar

y well that I should never be so chatty w

ss, you study la

with a scared loo

am not a serial killer,'' he says. That'

book. After a while, he gets up, places a five-

than you had to,

e to meet you, Principessa,'' he says, smiling, and I smile


t everything in order, and I went to the dressing room to take my jacket and go home and s

irl holding his hand. I don't know why, but I felt a bit angry. I don't know why I feel this rage and disappointment inside me. I pull myself together and decide to just walk past him, no

doing out at this hour?'' he sa

iness,'' I say wi

ore I chop it off your body." He pu

u when they were around your waist, s

my might. He is with someone, and she is right behind him talking on the phone, and he has

. I take a deep breath and look up at him, not saying anything. His hands are now on my waist as he gets closer and leaves a kiss on my neck. Goddamn, these fu

m hungry.'' and he l

and some tears fell from my eyes. Why was he touching me in front of her? His girlfriend or wife was right in front of me talking on the phon

as I went in, I saw Bella sleeping on the couch. I walked calmly into my room and closed the door behind me. I put on my pajamas and went straight to bed. I just went to sleep

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