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Rejection Vs Desire

Chapter 2 A Lycan

Word Count: 1560    |    Released on: 21/03/2023

wolves ,yet his father had falsely accused his mother of infidelity, and when Alaric's wolf presented as a Lycan, he was cast out of the Pack immediately. He found solac

less times as he tried to survive alone. Luck was on his side since his hybrid nature came in handy whenever he had to fight for whatever he wanted. At first, h

ther's death. He became resilient, determined, and hardworking, despite the prejudice and discrimination he faced from literally every wolf tha

it out for us.”His closest friend had suggest

yes twitching with anger. The vandalism wasnt because of his rogue nature, this was done by his competitors. At first, he thou

to shops that he almost, the key word being almost, gave it all up and moved as far as he could. Instead, he decided to serve them the same treatmen

d, some got accepted back into the Pack but most chose to remain untethered. His crew was occasionally hired for security and other odd jobs that the Pack members found ‘Sketchy’ but as long as the money was involved, there was nothing they wouldn't do. To some ext

after Euthychus’ mother died of illness. The Pack had spread rumours that Alaric's mother had been responsible but still his father, had s

st was how Eutychus suddenly changed and they stopped being best friends after his wolf presented. He tried to live past the fact that he had been the one that packed Alaric’s clothes for him.

ran lived to bring Eutychus down whatever chance he got. Unlike Alaric, Kieran was very vocal with his thoughts, even the ones that should never

ed with the chameleon?” Alari

he money I would have a Mate too,” Kieran said, c

need a heart, and maybe a new brain and a filter f

an said but Alaric tuned him out and his mind began working overtime again. Mate … a Mate … marriage… a future. The words danced around in his h

-steady voice in his head said and a

pizza with a strawberry milkshake.

se, he hated pineapples with a passi

ut again…” K

ly listening to you.No to the

hing his nose at the th

world and understand the true meaning of family, loyalty, and love. He switched to his character which was a wolf who did not conform to

thorities' radar. He assigned his boys tasks that needed to be done and all that leadership stuff. He tried his

? ” Alaric asked when he suddenly reme

the building. How I wish I could bring him down a few pegs. That pompous wolf. So wha

even the rogues knew he was obsessed with perfection

we crossed paths? ” Alaric asked, remembering how he hated Eutychus when they were kids. Word

and they walked out of his office. Not many people knew he owned the cas

es he had said and thought about the word Mate. Was loneliness catching up to him? He tho

tending like he hadn't

…” Kieran said opening the passe

id but he was already being

slid over the hood to the other side. O

nd over hoping to replace the abominable word that wouldn’t stop ech

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