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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1566    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

bulls, the dea

wiggy wiggies

l Moo cows a

fun at the

h of gold over everything, while a hush reigns supreme; that lovely stillness t

waking early she dresses hastily in order to survey the surrounding country, an outing before breakfast sh

nding beauty, so absorbed is she in it that she forgets there is such a person as Jimmy Dalrymple. Quack, quack, quack, go the ducks as she approaches the lake on which they disport themselves, and gazes down at the sky therein reflected and at her own image. But she is not admiring her youthful face and the curly golden hair that stands like a halo round it. No, she is sunk in a dream

ooking up she recognises the brown head that is thrust out for a moment. 'Tis enough; the spell has been broken and she becomes aware that breakfast would be a very acceptable thing, so she wends her way back to the house. Of course everyone is full of the catt

y young people at present, besides

leave the old people to go by themselves. I've got an awfully good animal, which I should like you to see, what! My sister and Dalrympl

,' says Lip

h him once,-didn't get away for hours, and I said to myself-never again. By ourselves we can come and go just as we please. By-the-bye, mother,' he goe

mber; have we, Anne?

eon the names of the invited guests are


pity,' s

ppingcott is so awfully pretty and dances quite bea

dy to do anything her 'dear' boy wishes. 'They only came b

say something pretty t

uld?' says Dalrymple, from

replies Chubby, 'Miss Seaton I

s of the show, all of which are more or less alike, with dogs of all sizes and breeds, barking in different keys, pigs grunting and squeaking, horses neighing, cows mooing, cocks crowing, ducks quacking; boys yelling out the price of catalogues, men requesting people to 'walk up,' and inspect their wares, which are all w

gaitered and pot-hatted men, who all appear to be talking at once. Helmdon conducting P

se, and forthwith they launch into an eager conversation with humble apologies from him and earnest ent

sation with Dalrymple, and see Harkness standing before her. She would have

eeting you here, is

h the Lippingcotts for a few days; really t

young beggar going to cut him out, it looks uncommonly like it. Lucky fellow he is, thinks

es Miss Seaton, finding he

?' asks D

t rid of hi

says Jimmy


vidently incurred

h, 'is my displeasure su

e to me,' i

ill try and be pleased with you

ire a great d

to find he is looking at her rather more earnestly than is

ve with him, and he with her, they plighted their troth at a London ball; but her parents said she was too young to marry just then, and it was agreed to wait a year. But war broke out and his regiment was 'ordered to the front.' Oh! the sorrow c

ed, 'dearest, I may n

id she appear to the world as hopelessly crushed, but went on living just the same, with a feeling of aching emptiness, that is, oh, so hard to bear, and she

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