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Blood Moon Rising: A Werewolf Tale of Struggle and Survival"

Chapter 3 The Outsider

Word Count: 1214    |    Released on: 23/03/2023

singly isolated and alone. She had always felt like an outsider, but now she felt like an outsider in her own ski

oked like they were having fun, and Emily found herself drawn to the energy and camaraderie o

ky teenager with shaggy brown hair - welcomed her

nscious and awkward. "I don't re

do I, really. But it's fu

introduced her to the others, and they all welcomed her with open arms. Emily was sur

out at the mall, and went to movies together. Emily was grateful for the distraction - for a few hours e

she was keeping a secret from them. She knew that if they found out about the werewolves, they wo

lurted out the truth. "I saw something really strange a few we

nds looked at her like she was crazy.

ed - her chance encounter with Sara, the camping trip, the transformatio

inally, Max spoke up. "You're telling me tha

of a panic attack. "I know it sounds crazy, but

n. "Look, we believe you. But you have to promise us one thing.

that it was a promise she couldn't keep. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was someho

hours online, researching everything she could find about the legends and lore of werewolves. She even st

ht about the werewolves, when she heard a rustling in the bushes. She froze, her heart pounding in her

lieved. "What are y

s expression - something predatory. "Just taking

ore she could say anything, Max reached out and g

an she was. He pulled her deeper into th

n?" she said, h

ed her up against a tree, his eyes

ught, something strange began to happen to Max. His ski

ening lurch, he trans

ne up close was an entirely different matter. The creature towered over h

ly," it said, its voice rough and guttural. "I know

she was too terrified

ared. "You need to be careful," it said. "

isappearing back into the wood

nly one who knew about the werewolves, but now she knew that wasn't true. And if there were

feeling that she was being watched. Everywhere sh

t the fear was always there - a constan

rom Sara. "We need to talk," Sara sai

ax, she wasn't sure she could trust anyone - ev

t Sara at a nearby park, hoping that the werewolf pa

ed worried, her brow furrowed with concern. "Emily," she said. "I'

aring. "What do you mean?" she said. "

new to the pack. He doesn't always

idea of a werewolf who couldn't c

k a step

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