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Unlawfully Mine

Chapter 2 I must leave

Word Count: 2178    |    Released on: 28/03/2023


oise has truly shattered my heart. I knew she wouldn't

nk that it would all be fine, I honestly thought that it would be forgotten about

to Eloise, not in here doing nothing." Spencer said sternly to me. "Do you really have to keep talking to me like that! Do you not think I want to be up there right now with our daughter con

bling problem then we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place, we have lost everything because of him. He has thrown everything that we, I, worked hard for away. I would of happily lived in

her. I got to the top of the stairs and turned towards Eloise's bedroom, I stood outs

to let me in. Eloise opened the door just a crack so I could see only a small

way from the door please so I can come in and have an adult conversation about this with you, I think

." After Eloise said that she shut the door in my face. I rested my forehead


the sun was starting to set and the sky was glowing a wine red and a fiery orange, it looked so beautiful and the birds si

ollowed by my mum calling my name. I refused to open the door ful

e has already been done. She still wants me to go through with the meeting and

ng to burn with the tears that were threatening to pour out. 'I can't do this,

ials as I could and walked towards my window. I opened my window and hung my suitcase out, I lowered

brick exterior wall, moving slowly I climbed onto the trellis and climbed down t

e and run. I looked back to make sure no one had seen

best friends live, Ashley and Lauren. Ashley and Lauren are twins but they're not identical. Ashley looks like her mum and Lauren looks her dad. A

lly refer to each other's parents as Aunt and Uncle, that's how close we are. In fact, we say we are m

soon as I stopped, I started to cry again. I ran down the path and then up the st

me on, Come on, Come on" I kept muttering to myself whilst looking over my shoulder to check th


t for Uni to be over Lau" I said as I turned to face my sister. "Why you picked Law to study Ash I don't know, it's not like you want to take that route for a career anyway" Lauren replied to me." "I know, but at the time i

nd Lauren threw the popcorn all over the living room. I got up and started to walk to the front door and the thumping

it was Eloise on the other side. 'What is she doing here, she's meant t

lice? Why are you knocking on my door like that Lu? You scared the living

e. "Why are you leaving El to stand there you idiot, let her in." Lauren sai

t and then looked over to Lauren as if to say 'What the hell is going on' Lauren knew exactly


wardly; we have never been awkward with each other at al

Where is your mum and dad?" Ignoring the question, EI asked "Can I stay here for a few days pleas

itcase and set it aside and gestured for the three of us to enter the living roo

where else to go" Eloise said in a low sad voice. "Ashley wasn't implying that El. We are worried that's all. We have never seen you like this before. The only El we know is always happy,

and Ash and I Continued to press El for answers. "Well, are you going to tell us what's going

essed up." "Well, you can always start from the beginning" I said tr

I'm not, Well I'm meant to be." Eloise rambled. I sid


ant to go into detail, I'm so fed up with talking and think

u don't have a boyfriend let alone a fiancé" Ashley stated. "

ince my dad could not pay his friend back my parents and my dad's old school friend came to an agreement. I had to marry their son at the a

as no longer upset, I was now angry, I was livid. "Are you su

you not think I have already tried that but unfortunately for me there's a contract out there with my parents signature on confirming that I

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