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Love under Fire


Word Count: 1922    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

, wholly to luck. There was no means of escape apparent, yet my mind was cool, and I was prepared to take advantage of any opportunity. I saw the flash of th

, gentlemen,"

; he even grinned amiably across the barrel. But the expression on Le Gaire's face changed from startled surprise to relief. He was a tall man,

" he exclaimed sharply. "This

e, seeking vainly to recall ever having seen the fellow before. Not the slighte

claimed cordially, holding out his hand. "Last I heard yo

airs that speech became dangerous. Perhaps he would give me some clue

familiar," I v

one night when we were garrisoning Memphis. I am Le Gaire, of the Thi

g who the devil I might be, yet exceedingly overjoyed at this sudden change o

specially that evening. It was just after your duel with Major Gillette of ours. Between

iniscences," broke in the girl quietly, "Capta

ht you knew

ly, her eyes aglo

It is all a most

ng order out of confusion--Miss Hardy, Ma

d. "I--I thought your

ing equal surprise, "and I s

s former jealousy and suspicion instantly di

r, and with honors about even. However, the tangle is straightened out now, and we mu

venture to carry forward the deceit. Her eyes were upon me, but their shaded depths revealed nothing. I determined to take the chance. "Johnston requires mo

ey went west; we have

tinued, eager to draw out of him some informatio

-carriers must have been unable to get through, so he began feeling his

gone forw

sent a man wit

she had found a seat at the table, and was

marching along th

risk of being seen by any prowling Yankee

A swift advance of troops would throw a column between these two forces of Confederates, and hold them apart for s

you ought to have a horse. We're leading one with Yankee accoutrements you can u

eet, as the sergeant left the room. She did not

this section," she replied quietly. "The

suggested gallantly. She shoo

k I bet

ean you are

ain. Perhaps I spoke rather has

his men swing into their saddles, at a sharp order, and ride away in column of fours. When they had all disappeared a single horse remained, tied to the railing of the veranda. I turned about, and picked up my hat from the floor. Miss Hardy was seated again at the table, her head resting upon one hand. I

r to meet you a

eturned soberly. "But I wish to speak to you no

me, yet curious as to what she would sa

anxious I am to get away--" I be

g earnestly. "It is true we shall probably never meet again, yet I am not willing you should think

ossing the room, "there is nothing to e

ther whom you overheard talking with General Johnston. Our home is south on the pike road, and was used as headquarters until a few days ago. I have known General Johnston ever since I was a little girl, and everybody--al

rely you do not suppose I would th

I mean to let you go a

ely from my guard. "Ho

, for I had no wish to see you a prisoner, but your quick pretending did not in the least deceive me, Lieutenant Galesworth." She paused, evidently amused at the surprise expresse


to Federal headquarters. That is why you a

ward, reading the

intend to

s quiet as ever. "I am

dier was ready for the struggle and the sacrifice. I recognized all this at a glance, bewildered by the swift change in attitude, unable to decide my own course of action. Argument was useless,

sworth, of thinking me not sufficiently in earne

only a man I should k

This is war, and you are upon one side, I on the othe

your eyes?--the mere

ed by the folds of her skirt, was uplifted, the fingers grasping the black butt of a Colt. Her l

belt--the revolver holster was empty

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