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Theory of an assassin's vengeance

Chapter 3 St Jame's Hostel

Word Count: 418    |    Released on: 31/03/2023

djacent his own hostel Victor's Court. Almost seventy percent of t

robbing at least thirty rooms. With the money and phones he would ge

ill die with him. So he wasn't ready to add anyone in his night plans and Saint James hostel was a hostel he k

ostel, climbed an empty tank and jumped into the first floor. Most of the room doors had no protector which made things way easier for him. Slowly he made his

ked the whole room as fast as possible. When he was done, rushed ou

Nobody should fuck up to avoid being shot'' he threatened with a loud

s experienced enough to know that the police had already been notified and he knew it would take them nothin

, firing in the air occasionally. Twenty min

shots , headed into the bush, filled with uncomple

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