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Sold to the Mafioso

Chapter 4 Reasons

Word Count: 4233    |    Released on: 06/04/2023

nce. Andressa contained her fury and anger within her. Mrs. Gloria killed her mother, betrayed her father and sold her to the mafia, after making her spend her life helping to maintain her h

erve anything else at the pool?"

r fearfully and Carla wal

be there in five minutes." One of them said as

id and asked again. "What t

ere and has many things to take care of today.... But he left orders fo

own. But I want to ask you not to bring any drinks for my mother. She has had e

was just more mature than Andressa imagined. She was wearing a beautiful short aqua green dress with a slit on the side and black heels. Her blonde hair was all in place and she wor

e greeted her politely.

ing. And wh

drink with me. I'll make you a

essa said and ran to the kitchen. She knew her name, what she wanted to know was what place she he

n and was startled by Andressa'

ey put a phone in your room? If you need it, just pick it up an

o get an orange juice. I've never had anything alcoholic. What do you think she might be wan

lence, the two other maids

om the refrigerator and handed it to Andressa along with a glass. "If she knows about

n her long? Can

she's always been very polite, respectful and nice. But..

rla ran a moved hand over her face. It was evident that she

e you did her father, haven't you?" Ja

And her future could have been different."

ere. You know her story is a se

already knew what you were going to do." She said when she saw the startled look on Carla's face. "And then she a

now even though it wasn't her blood that put her

t not know anything." She said referring to

"But it's not something that will harm you. You are Andrey's trusted person in th

id thoughtfully and we

lass and waited for Andressa to sit in front of her with her juice. She stood up and po

aged her. "You can believe me, that you will need mor


on't wait

k, it didn't look like she had anything but h

now eve

it that way. When we know too much, we become suspects whe

leep with h


r you that he will come

cine s

ealousy, no. I am married. I love my husband in a way. He travels a lot and... I feel lonely. And on these occasions, I seek Andrey's company. That's why I advise you

bother you when you

for a few moments and took a few good

n. He'll want to use you as if you were already experienced too.... In everything! That is why I advise you to take your juice and that bottle of gin to y

id not correct her. No man had ever touched her, but there w

aching you and for a whil

you st

to tell you these things. He has only comm

t thi

tions, but they are not for today. There won't be time. I've already made an appointment with the waxer, and then

things before? To so

r the same purpose as you. And I also felt, for the first time, that he is very excited about you. It wasn't easy to cont

pe. She wanted to get away from Andrey. From what he would do to her. But deep inside she knew it was impossible. The mansion was well guarded inside,

ou like?" Francin

ghtfully. Her clothes were all donated and she didn't ha

u must have great taste." She said and looked at the time on her watch. "I

lar cotton panties. The waxing I accept. Because I have always shaved with a razor, but I have always wanted to wax myself. But I don'

ar your clothes anywhere he is to satisfy his will with the excuse that he was the one who paid for the clothes." She said as if remembering somet

e table. He went to the glass case, grabbed a glass and ducked his head behind the counter and re

s. "I like that you are friends." He said looking a little

Tomorrow we will." Francine said patientl

mbarrassed to witness that intimacy and also felt like a freak, since that was not the world she was used to. She felt more at ease in the kitch

nk I'll need a long bath in the tub after last night.

ake care of, but they can be done from here in my office

r. When he came back he told me that Alessandro went to solve other problems and that he was go

" Andrey said angrily and got up just as Carla came to let him

st call Francesco to find out what's going on and

lso stood u

t come out and passed like wind by Andrey, who breathed in the scent of soap as she passed, thinking that

tice the small changes in her room. A huge television now took the place of the mirror on top of the dresser. A telephone was left on a bedside table. Curious, she went to the nightstand and opened the first of two drawers. There was a picture frame facing down. She took it without much interest and saw a little girl, no more than a year old, sitting with a handsome man, with the same features as her, and even her smile was similar to his. Hair and eye color. Tears dripped from her eyes. She was sure it was her real father holding her in his arms. She took the picture out of

Andressa felt most comfortable that day. She thought that maybe someone would alert her to her presence that day, together with

ssandro, Arnald and Carla were also at the table. Mrs. Gloria was wearing one of her old dresses, but one that always fit he

but Andrey held her wrist and stopped her, and she sat down again, staring at him

sometimes other, but they are trusted by me. Your place at the table will be here." He said pointing to Mrs. Gloria. "Next t

d as she passed Andressa still

did to make him grant you such an hono

felt just by looking at a woman. And once again she reeked of the smell of soap and it played with her senses. She kept looking at him with those big gray eyes as if condemning him in advance for what was going to happen. He was sure she would like it. She should have taken

aughter, to spend a few extra days in her room, so that she could

rief the way you, or anyone else, believes is the best way. That is her decisi

ning at the edge of the pool, being served by the maids and drink

isibly as everyone beg

Mrs. Gloria said indignantly at Andressa's resp

that was a little unpalatable, which you know

of bereavement might make you eat beyond what you are u

id unequivocally drawing her mother's attention that she was not so naive, as she tasted the baked potato, with an expression of much

e still young and you haven't been

ge juice in front of her, missing the tast

I'm just going out to do some shopping today..." She sai

se and turned her eyes to Andrey wit

hopping too. It will do me good, after all I've bee

and everyone at the table followed him except Mrs. Gloria and

sa's attire.... Well, Francine had better take care of that." A

uld afford to give my daughter good clothes..

e sign of humor in his countenance. "The

not very good at following orders. They let me die of thirst in the pool..." M

." Andrey said without paying much attention and turned to a conversation wit

e was aware that she was no longer young, but her body was still beautiful and she was well preserved. He needed to find out if his daughter's antagonism towards her was because she was taking a bath in the pool while she was stuck in her room. In any case, someone had said something to her, for she even knew that it was she who had decided about her diet. And if she didn't do something to regain her daughter's trust and friendship, she would soon be on the street. Away from all that luxury. She was smart and

an hour for your waxing." Fr

just going for waxing?" Mrs. Gloria asked sat

hy shopping.... Today." F

come along. I will convince And

ed at her mother thoughtfull

hen.... I would like you to com

s it's fifteen minut

but didn't know how far she could trust her. Carla, she had total trust, but she feared putting her in trouble. She would have to act alone. She still didn't know how she would do it, but the more she thought about it

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