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Lydia of the Pines


Word Count: 4572    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

eful to man and so he


and big, wistful eyes s


," said Kent. "Red'

that dress! She ought to know better. A five c

d of pretty Olga but h

tarted dodging among the dancers, across t

tter?" asked C

's dress was a fright

turn star

ime was grinning

yd! Want

ow how," replied L

ing. Come on,

d tremble slightly. "Kent, I dassn't stir. My ba

ngrily, "you girls are all al

ackson at his elbow. "What

, "I don't see anything t

e prettiest girl in t

ing, though, that he lied, for O

ushed an

ome on over and have s


bring me a glass?" asked Lydia,

ndow and I'll get the l

a good old sport, Lyd," he said. "Charlie'l

ation. Yet before he went to sleep that night the last picture that floated before his eyes was of a thi

of Adam and of fishing. Lydia longed to talk about Indians with hi

s over. Amos and old L

it and were sure she ha

dress had made of the

as marked among her mat

pular boys like Ken

grew slowly a new resolve of Lydia's-to have some day as pretty hands and as well shod feet as Olga and Hilda

y and invited Amos and Lydia to a fine Sunday dinner in celebration at the best hotel in town. Kent's father in April was promoted from a minor position in the office of the plo

and more on resources within herself. This did not prevent her going faithfully once a month to call on Margery Marshall. And these visits were rather pleasant than otherwise. Margery was going through the paper

consuming passions in

asked always irrit

your Pa getti

same, Mrs.

ay Lizzie an


our grocery bi

n't k

r talk about gett

m! Oh, no

er when Lydia retailed these qu

you know

a snake in the grass. Alw

"I wonder where she learned. And she isn't te

ed Lizzie. "I despise the whole kit and biling of them, mone

men haven't,

ears of corn. Amos had a general grudge toward life. He had a vague, unexpressed belief that because he was a descendant of the founders of the cou

d away, whistling softly to himself. He always felt nearer to his wife, in the garden. She too had

fine garden, the well kept patch of lawn and the disorderly house was startling. Amos grumbled and

it, now much too small for her, she was working


s as pitifully thin as ever. As she stared at the ugly old Indian, Lydia's throa

?" she asked, motioni

y and held up the dirty

y to fill it, tal

you live?"

gray head toward the

es. It must take you a


the toothless, trembling old mouth, hideous with w

ny one to take

k-girl sick. All time sick

r Indian make you a

roduced a string from inside her waist and tying the apron up bag-lik

, and turning, she tottered

with all their rich pine land could be so poor. She resolved to ask her father and Levine about it and turned a somersault into the water. She swam about until tired, then turned over on

. "How in the world you do

a wet yellow pup in the water, and

. It's as w

t or two later came up several yards beyond him. He did not miss her for a moment, then he started for her with a shout. A game of

n the water," panted Charlie, as they

rlie, there's a poor old squaw came here to-day. What

Charlie was big and bronze and deep chested, with regular features although they were a

hites give 'em a chance? Dirty thieves, prowling round like timber wolves

ook," shouted Lydi

ce and he laughed. "Your fr

dog's ugly, faithful head. He immediately tried to sit in h

he Indian gently, "I won't sp

young! He was so different from Kent that staring into

ess," she said. "It'

After he was seated with paddle lifte

," he said; "I shall come again

"Good-by, Uncle!" she called an

night at supper, "why

both say Mr. Lev

that goes into politics in this country leaves his reputation beh

tance. She was a sophomore now and very proud of the fact that she knew the ropes. Her arrangement with Billy held for his second year books. With much pinching of the grocer

uired. Lydia turned her small nose up at it. She was a good cook, without study, she told herself. But Miss Towne though

I do all our cooking and

are other things connected w

sked Lydia, a tr

y word for it. It's only two hours a week and no outside study requir

eir daughters to school to be taught kitchen service. But by the efforts of Miss Towne and one or two other teachers, a dozen children ra

his that Lydia said to

ot to have twe

r, Lydia? A quarter's a good deal of money.

see my hands compared with the other girls. And you ought to see dirty finger nails u

n he carefully abstracted a quarter from his pocket

o pounds of fudge for a brace of wild duck. The Saturday before Thanksgiving, she gave the house its

e had frozen crystal clear. The air was breathless. As sh

t eve had d

the moon on

s midnight

nartney's h

he stirrup, an

galloped, we ga

d the watch as the

he wall to us ga

sions, took off her skates and entered the house. She banged the door, then stood for a moment staring. Elviry and Margery

at with a scarlet quill on the side. Elviry wore black broadcloth with fox collar and muff. Lydia, in a

This is the first time you've ever been

glance at Lizzie, "I wouldn't be here

ested Margery, "I

Mr. Marshall would like to have the three of

. "Don't worry, Mrs. M

e company ourselve

h of relief. "Well, th

o have a grand

e," retor

Margery. "Mamma, can't I stay

settling back in her chair. "It's a real small place, Lizzie,

She cuddled Florence Dombey in her arms and gave one ear to Margery's question as

ything you ever lived in, Elviry, till Dave sold enoug

've heard. Why don't you get rid of it and buy more of this here new Mission stuff that's coming in? Though I suppose you'd better wait till Lydia

business," r

. I'd rather have Marion marry Prince Rupert, then

owd up on the reservation that the Indian agent's such friends with. They say Levine's land hungry enough to marry a squaw. He's so dark, I

ombey suddenly stood

evine," said Lydia slowly, cheeks brig

be going. Margery, get up off that dirty floor. I never cared much about Amos' wife, she was too proud, but at least she was cle

ly half listened. She looked slowly around the living-room, then walked into the dining-room and thence into the kitchen. She opened the pantry door and stared at the dust and disorder, the remnants of foo

herself. Lydia observed for the first time that her apron was dirty. Thinking it over, she could no

ved. Everybody has to go and die on me! I suppose Lizzie and Dad'll be

up over Elviry Marshal

aid about the house is true. Anyhow, I've lear

antry and began her unsavory task. It was dusk when she finished and led

atiz didn't take all the ambition out of me, I

herself on the living-room couch. "Lizzie, give me some of your mutton

mother's face. They had no picture of her nor of the baby, and Lydia was afraid she would forget. She wondered if they were together, if they knew how hard she was trying to obey her mother's injunction to "make something" of herself. "Be a lady!" "Never be coarse." There was nobody to show her things, she thought. How could she ever learn to be a lady? "If I believed in praying any more, I'd pray about lots of things

aised. The dishes were washed and set away in the immaculat

oom looks all slick

e wet tea leaves over the carpet before sweeping to keep down the dust. Place was like

her age, at that," said John. "It

"but what can I do? On a dol

door. Lizzie admitted D

lained Dave. "Came to call on my fri

o each other. Amos sho

ark scowl on Levine

said Margery, as soon as s

replied Lydia, "

nquired Marshall, pulling her to his sid

aid Amos, "you'd know why she a

ed it," replied Marshall

cigar but Le

ngly. "This is a legal holiday and you and I at le

ide Marshall. It was such a transparent, trusting gaze, so full of affection, so obviou

action. He enjoyed company and had had

epublican next fall," he said b

returned Marshall,

of Democratic gr

r turn, eh?" inquired Marshall.

ly. "Satisfied with

e more little mite. Ju

h," chuckl

licans can get your

came a call from

r. Charlie Jackson and Kent

or a while,

any. Come on up and get

ed no introduction, and Lydia made short work of Charlie by saying to the a

hemselves on the couch

said Kent. "W

ing up. Charlie Jackson stared at the beautiful little black

t a Republican Congress, that block o' pine and black loam

s, I suppose," said Lev

oded whites,"

ddenly threw back

uietly. The three men looked at him a

it?" asked Ma

hites with your Constitution and your Declaratio

poke quickly. "Easy there, my boy! You're

ents derive their just powers from the consent of the g

harlie is right, we are liars and thieves, but

self, Levine,"

e the man then that my sister-" his voice rose to

en spring for the

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