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The CEO's Scandal

Chapter 2 The Ins and Outs

Word Count: 1659    |    Released on: 06/04/2023


asked. "Mr Randall has asked me to accompany you to prepare you for tonight's meeting. He has booked you in at Marie

n't think you quite understand Miss Loveday, what Mr Randall says goes. You cannot refuse Mr Randall; He has ordered that you get a new dress for tonight so a new dress you must

I will not bow down to his orders. He hasn't put a ring on it just yet so if he doesn't like it then tell him to call the meeting off." I was so angry at him still

ent women, they get punished for not sticking to the rules." Is he having me on? I thought to myself as I started my message of reply back to him "Mr R, I am sorry you feel that way, I apologis

get ready. I put on a navy-blue laced strap dress, and golden heeled shoes. I curled my hair and put my make up on. The time was no

iss Loveday, I am your driver, I am parked out front. Please make your wa

u at Hilltop Rose Mayfair Restaurant." "Oh great, we better get a move on then, I have been told he d

t somehow knew who I was straight away. "Miss Loveday, if you wan

in. I thanked him and he turned away and left. "Evening" I said in a flat tone to Mr R

there was no response, "Are you going to sit there all night being moody or are you actually going to engage in a conversation?" Mr Randall looked at me, the co

f I arrange for you to do something or if I tell you to do something then you do it!

, you have no right to be mad at me, you have stalked me for God knows how long or have you forgotten about that and last but not least you are the one who asked me here, you are the one that needs me, you are the one that needs my

t get his own way?" I questioned myself. "You are right, I do need you, however at the end of this conversation we will b

ill discuss business" he replied as he handed me over the menu. I opened up the menu and nearly fainted. The cheapest steak

lled chicken ceasar salad. Once our dinner arrived, I asked M

tionships where in the end they were not with me for me, they were with me because of who I am and

ve you cared that I have been in your presence. You have not tried to flirt with me or even talk to me and af

, I will give you one hundred million pounds as soon as you sign the marriage certificate and not only that, I will pay for all of your mother's

the treatment she needs otherwise she will not survive. I sat there in s

thinking they would be too bad. "T

give up your job a

tever clothes I buy for

t with you, no matter what you are doin

tionship at all times when we are out in public

other starting from today. Once Randall's Empire is completely signed over

ting me to give up my whole life for you, for a fake marriage. This is all too much to take in rig

id yes. I made up an excuse as to why I had to

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